
The Association For Meridian Energy Therapies AMT
Association Info

The Association For Meridian Energy Therapies, The AMT was formed in 1998 as the first non-profit umbrella organisation for the emergent field of Meridian Energy Therapies. Membership is open to those who have taken the Certification Trainings and Associate Membership to anyone who has an interest in the wider field of Meridian Energy Therapies and Energy Psychology in both theory and practise.  

The AMT was formed specifically to safeguard this extraordinary field from its inception. This includes keeping the definition of Meridian Energy Therapies wide open to include not only the currently developed and developing approaches in energy therapies and energy psychology, but to encompass future developments with structural ease, thus fostering an attitude of continuing growth, exploration and innovation.  

The AMT is the certifying body for the Certification Trainings in comprehensive Meridian Energy Therapies & Energy Psychology. With a fully structured training programme which includes the Practitioner level, the Advanced Practitioner level, the Master level and the Trainer's level.

Evey level of the New Meridian Energy Therapies are useful for ALL members of all societies and regions of this World. From simplified self help versions to the specialist and intricate high end work of professional therapists, The AMT offers resources to anyone wishing to explore and gain benefits from using the New Meridian Energy Therapies which include Energy Psychology.  

A very important aspect of The AMT is the work of publicising the benefits and learnings inherent in this emergent field to both existing therapists as well as to the general public on a global basis. The AMT's library portal is the central resource to this end, containing multi-lingual instruction documents in many different formats.

Contact Details
The Association For Meridian Energy Therapies AMT,
c/o The StarFields Network,
18 Marlow Avenue,
East Sussex,
BN22 8SJ,
United Kingdom

Tel: 01323 729666

Web: http://theamt.com

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