
Australian Kinesiology Association
Association Info

About Us The AKA is a formally constituted organisation and, as such, has rules, regulations and guidelines for all kinesiologists, thereby offering a level of professionalism expected from any health professional body. The AKA Inc is a National Kinesiology body representing the professional interests of kinesiology practitioners, as well as the personal interests of students and the public.

There are a number of office bearing or administration positions within the AKA: Chairperson: Administers the affairs of the National Committe (NC) including organising and chairing meetings, coordinating the activities of the AKA. Secretary: Assists the Chairperson in coordinating the AKA. Oversees the day to day administration of the AKATreasurer. For budgetary and day to day financial requirments of the association. Membership Registrar: Maintains the records of AKA members.

Office coordinator: Administrates the AKA office under the guidance of the Secretary. Deals with correspondence, phone calls, finance and memberships. The Association has subcommittees working with specific tasks: The Australian Kinesiology Practitioner Registration Board (PRB): This Board sets standards and approves applications for registration of Kinesiologists.

It liaises with and lobbies other organisations such as ATMS and Health Insurance companies. The Australian Kinesiology Course Accreditation Board (CAB): This Board accredits Kinesiology courses to ensure that they meet the standards required for practitioner registration. An ethics committee. The Australian Kinesiology Association Inc. also publishes a National, quarterly magazine, In Touch, and holds an annual Kinesiology Conference.

Contact Details
Australian Kinesiology Association,
PO Box 233,

Tel: + 611300780381
Fax: + 611300780361

Web: http://www.akakinesiology.org.au

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