
ABCC Association of British Correspondence Colleges
Association Info

Members of The Association of British Correspondence Colleges pledge themselves to maintain the highest standard of integrity in all their dealings and, in particular, they undertake:

• To ensure that any information they give about the choice of a career, the prospects in a particular career or a prospective student's studies shall be accurate to the best of their knowledge, and that any advice they give to prospective students and others shall be given in good faith and the best interests of the persons to whom the advice is tendered.

 • To take every reasonable care to enrol students only for courses that are suited to their individual needs and educational status, or for tuition for examinations for which the students are likely to be eligible.

• To inform students in their prospectuses and/or enrolment application forms of the conditions on which they are enrolled and to include in advertisements only statements which accurately reflect such conditions.

• To make fair regulations governing their relationship with students, and to treat equitably those who, through circumstances beyond their control, are unable to comply strictly with their regulations.

• To provide efficient tutorial service, to maintain adequate and appropriately qualified tutorial and administrative staff and to issue to their students without undue delay adequate and reasonably up to date tutorial literature and instruction suitable to each student's needs.

• To encourage their students to complete their courses of study and to do everything reasonably possible to enable the students to derive full benefit therefrom.

• To issue only certificates or diplomas that fairly represent the instruction given and not to make any statement or to imply that any such certificates or diplomas are equivalent to a degree or to a certificate awarded by a recognised examining body.

• To maintain the highest ethical standards in their publicity by making no statement in any advertisement, prospectus or publicity literature, or by correspondence or orally, that is knowingly untrue or wilfully misleading; and in particular by publishing no examination results or statistics or particulars of their tutorial service of staff that are knowingly inaccurate or misleading.

• To encourage fair, dignified and honourable competition.

• To ensure that their staffs are acquainted with this code, that they are given all facilities for complying with it, and are encouraged to honour it in the spirit as well as the letter.

Contact Details
PO BOX 17926,
SW19 3WB,
United Kingdom

Tel: 020 8544 9559
Fax: 020 8540 7657

Web: www.homestudy.org.uk

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