
The Arthrogryposis Group (TAG)
Association Info

The Arthrogryposis Group (TAG) is the only charity in the UK offering contact, support and information to those with Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita, their families and those involved in their care.

Arthrogryposis Multiplex Congenita (AMC) is the condition of a baby born with multiple joint contractures. Joint contractures limit the range of movement in the joints. Stiff and fixed joints may also be accompanied by muscle weakness. In some cases all joints may be affected.

TAG produces informative booklets, a quarterly newsletter and 2 videos on AMC. TAG also holds a national annual conference, regional events and a children's camp. Membership is free to those with AMC or with children with AMC. Other interested parties may become associate members for a small subscription fee to cover administration.


Contact Details
Beak cottage,
Stourport on Severn,
Stourport on Severn,
DY13 0TZ,
United Kingdom

Tel: 01299 825781
Fax: 01299 825781

Web: http://www.tagonline.org.uk

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