
Craniosacral Therapy Association of North America (CSTA/NA)
Association Info

The Craniosacral Therapy Association of North America (CSTA/NA) is a non-profit organization supporting practitioners and schools of the biodynamic model of craniosacral therapy, as developed by Franklyn Sills, in the lineage of William Garner Sutherland, DO, and others.

CSTA/NA was founded in 1998 and incorporated in Canada as a not-for-profit organization in January 1999. Subsequently CSTA/NA was incorporated as a non-profit in the US in February 2006.

This unique organization was founded to establish a curriculum, approve teachers and recognize, register and provide a referral service for, Registered Craniosacral Therapists (RCST®s) and to educate the public about its trainings and the practice of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy.

Contact Details
852 Don Diego Avenue,
Santa Fe,
New Mexico,
United States

Tel: 505-820-1335

Web: http://www.craniosacraltherapy.org

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