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Eventer 4 - Golf Cart

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New for the year 2000 is the Eventer 4 off-road mobility cart. This dual purpose machine has been designed in conjunction with the Event Mobility charity (hence its name). The Eventer provides a mobility solution where traditional vehicles struggle to cope and has been extensively tested throughout the 1999 season at various open air events.

With generous ground clearance, wide turf tyres and a proven drive train based on the Trio golf cart, this vehicle is equally at home on the high street, at the Windsor Horse Trials or the golf course, where Patterson Products golf cart expertise becomes apparent.

A further attraction in the design of the Eventer allows for convenient transportation and storage, as the machine can be quickly dissembled and stowed in the boot of many cars, with the heaviest section weighing only 22Kg (approx 50 lbs) and the 'gel' batteries being safe for transport. If you need a little assistance call Patterson Products

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Eventer 4 - Golf Cart
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