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Focus Fix Essence Combinations

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Focus Fix Essence Combinations "An Essence First-Aid Kit for Families"

"Focus Fixes" are ten combination essences created especially to help family emotional emergencies. Each ‘Focus Fix' is a unique synthesis of special tree, flower and light essences tailored to smooth our way through stressful times.

Easy to choose, easy to use, simple and effective.

1.Tantrums, Under-Threes, Screams (TUTS 1)                                                                 Emergency Use: For tantrums, stubbornness, and resentment that can occur at any age. General Use: For very young children as they explore how to communicate with the world nd for older children and adult reactions when things don't happen as expected.                    This combination is the subject of successful research trials under Professor Hyland, University of Plymouth.

2.Teenagers Undergoing Traumatic Situations (TUTS 2)                                             Emergency Use: For teenagers and older people when experiencing frustration and mood swings. General use: For times of frustration and when we bury our anger or when we feel no-one understands us.

3.Past Life Energies And Stress Eased (PLEASE)                                                   Emergency Use: When old emotions or memories of past events seem to overwhelm us. General Use: Releasing painful memories from our past, wherever and whenever that might be. Useful when difficult emotions follow us around.

4.Rant And Get Even (RAGE)                                                                                         Emergency Use: For when we are angry and can't express it, because we are so angry (especially when we want revenge!) .                                                                           General Use: Helps us to see what really is happening without denying our strong feelings about issues. 

5.High Expectations, Little Progress (HELP)                                                          Emergency Use: When disappointment strikes and seems to leave us unable to do anything further.                                                                                                                           General Use: When we are doing the right things, but still feel blocked, disappointed and disillusioned.

6.Repeating And Sabotaging Patterns (RASP)                                                        Emergency Use: To break repeating emotional patterns or thought processes.            General Use: For when we are trying to stop, or are fearful of, making the same mistakes over and over again.

7.Grieving Onwards, Never Ending (GONE)                                                          Emergency Use: For grief, emotional shock and unexpected events that disrupt our lives. General Use: When we need to move forward but are having problems letting go of strong emotions or memories.

8.Fear Restricts Emotional Expression (FREE)                                                        Emergency Use: For fear and its effects, no matter what the cause.                                 General Use: When fear stops us from being who we want to be, what we want to do or where we want to go.

9.Energy Goes Overboard (EGO)                                                                           Emergency Use: Hyperactivity, inability to relax or calm down                                                                                                                      General Use: When excess enthusiasm or worry creates loss of perspective, or for feelings of being out of control.

10.Clear And Logical Mind (CALM)                                                                                  Emergency Use: To ease confusion.                                                                               General Use: To create clarity when we are confused and upset.

 10mls - £7.00, 30mls- £14.00, pilules - £6 


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Focus Fix Essence Combinations
01392 832 005

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