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Helios Childbirth Remedy Kit

This Product has been viewed 10216 times.

Helios Homoeopathic Remedy Kits are unique and are ideal for newcomers and patients, as well as the more experienced users of homeopathy.

The kit contains a range of remedies which are useful prior to, during and resulting from childbirth. The remedies are contained in 2 gram glass bottles, each holding approximately 35 doses in sucrose pillule form. The kit comes with its own comprehensive, self-prescribing guide to help you in your selection of the most appropriate remedy, and is packaged in a sturdy polypropylene storage case.

The Childbirth Remedy Kit holds 18 remedies at 200c potency ... namely

Aconite, Arnica, Bellis Per, Calendula, Carbo Veg, Cauloph, Chamomilla, Cimifuga, Gelsemium, Hypericum, Ipecacuanha, Kali Carb, Kali Phos, Phytolacca, Pulsatilla, Secale, Sepia, Staphisagria.

Should you decide to purchase this kit directly from the Alternative Training website, you will find it in the Books etc section

Available from
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Helios Childbirth Remedy Kit
0800 0439 349

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