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Herbalife Weight Management & Diet Programs

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Herbalife Core Products  To maximize your health and fitness goals, begin with Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix, Formula 2 Multivitamin Complex and Cell Activator®. With these products at the core of your program, you can add in other products that address your specific health goals

Herbalife Programs  Weight-Management programs help personalize your protein for your body, helping you feel full and energized as you shed unwanted pounds. With a Cellular Nutrition® foundation, Weight-Management Programs includes a customized meal plan to help you get in shape and stay that way

Herbalife Formula 1  Herbalife’s delicious protein shakes are loaded with essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients that are perfect for busy people. Whether you’re on the go or just want a nutritious meal, reach for an Herbalife Formula 1 shake to satisfy your hunger and help manage your weight.

Herbalife Enhancers   Herbalife’s enhancers are designed to help accelerate your weight management goals. Whether you struggle with snacking, energy, fluid retention or digestion, we have all your bases covered.

Herbalife Snacks  Satisfy hunger and feel energized with our low in calories Protein-Powered Snacks. Enjoy Protein Bars, Beverage Mix or the Creamy Chicken Soup Mix as part of your ShapeWorks® program. 

Herbalife Protein  Curb hunger and stay energized with the power of protein. Three good reasons to protein up with our delicious powders: 1. Provides more protein than just adding milk. 2. No refrigeration needed 3. No trips to the store.

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