
Aromatherapy Massage

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Aromatherapy can be defined as the systematic use of essential oils in holistic treatments to help improve physical and emotional well being. Aromatherapy is a truly holistic therapy in that it aims to treat the whole person by taking account not only of their physical state, but also their emotions, which can have a profound effect on general well being. Although Aromatherapy is a term that encompasses many forms of treatment, this video is devoted to the primary form of aromatherapy treatment and that is via massage. In this video Helen McGuinness demonstrates a step by step sequence of a full aromatherapy massage sequence including the face and scalp. Includes: · Menu with easy scene selection · Benefits and effects · Contraindications · Safety Precautions · Safe handling of oils · Contra actions · After Care Running Time: Approx 100 Minutes * Colour


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Helen McGuinness Health and Beauty Ltd





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