Get Well and keep well with VIBE the NEW Ground breaking Nutritional Formula.
For years now it has been known that we can no longer obtain from the soil the important minerals the body needs to maintain good health and a proper balance. Indeed it has been demonstrated that most people are mineral deficient and that this mineral deficiency is a major cause of ill health. This is undoubtedly a major contributor to the explosive growth of the mineral supplement market which is illustrated for example by the rows of pots of tablets and capsules on the shop shelves.
Unfortunately a great many of these products are not properly absorbed by the body as is witnessed by the appearance of half digested or even whole tablets in the waste disposal systems. Minerals in tablets, capsules and even designated liquid drinks tend to be micron sized and thus incapable of entering the body's cells. For minerals to enter the body's cells they need to be Angstrom sized. There are 10,000 Angstroms to a micron. They also need to be water-soluble and ionised for optimum nutritional benefit. As the body does NOT MAKE MINERALS it is of vital importance that those taken supplementally actually reach and are absorbed by the cells and are not just left suspended in the blood stream.
This problem has been resolved naturally by a highly professional and scientifically based company called ENIVA whose VIBE formula will shortly become available in the UK. VIBE meets all the criteria for absorption and in addition has an extremely high ORAC – Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity – rating of 100,000. This is far higher than the health giving single fruit juices.
The details of the formula are available on the website and the product can be obtained from Picture of Health, tel. 01666 504718. VIBE is supplied in both bottles and sachets and represents a major breakthrough in nutritional supplementation. Results can be achieved within hours after ingestion. VIBE is a must for all wishing both to improve and maintain a good quality of health.
These details were last updated on: 30 November 2007