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Toxicology Courses (Various)

This Course has been viewed 7617 times.

Principles of Toxicology
(3 credits)
Basic principles of how chemicals, drugs, and natural products alter biological systems. Mechanisms and conditions under which harmful effects may occur are emphasized. Also considered are biological and chemical factors that influence toxicity; routes of administration; experimental design; special tests; statistical analysis of data; extrapolation of animal data to man; and regulatory aspects of toxicology.

Biochemical Toxicology (3 credits)
Presents a treatment of the biochemical and physiological mechanisms underlying toxicity and detoxication. Topics include chemical-biological interactions, receptor dynamics, multicompartment kinetics, chemical activation and detoxication, induction and inhibition, and the toxic biochemical and physiological mechanisms of both natural and anthropogenic toxins.

Cellular & Molecular Toxicology (3 credits)
Includes modes of action and cellular and molecular targets of toxicants, as well as mechanisms of cellular and molecular responses to toxicants and their detoxification. Biological methodologies and approaches to identify and study cellular targets of toxicants. Advanced discussion of molecular mechanisms whereby chemical, physical, and biological agents produce their harmful effects on biological tissues.

Comparative Toxicology (3 credits)
Emphasizes the physiologic and biochemical basis of toxicity across organ systems and animal species, including the types of cellular response to toxic compounds and the role of organ system structure/function in susceptibility to toxicity.

Toxicological Pathology (3 credits)
Evaluation of the pathologic responses of cells and tissues to toxic compounds. Emphasis on the toxicology of mammalian body systems: dose-response, mechanisms and systemic sites of action of major groups of chemical toxicants.

Toxicogenomics (3 credits)
Addresses current DNA sequencing and genotyping approaches, and basic concepts of pharmacogenetics and toxicogenomics. Emphasis placed on applications of genomic technologies to the understanding of "gene-environment interactions" that cause diseases of public health importance, including cancer, chronic neurological diseases, and adverse drug reactions.

Developmental Toxicology (3 credits)
Investigates chemicals that can induce adverse reproductive and developmental outcomes. Discussion topics include identification and characterization of specific classes of toxic agents, mechanisms of action of these agents at the molecular and cellular level, and risk assessment and regulatory issues.

Neurotoxicology (3 credits)
Advanced discussions of the principles and methodological approaches to neurotoxicology (including behavioral toxicology), classes of neurotoxic agents, types and mechanisms of neurotoxic effects, as well as the role of neurotoxicology in toxicology and public health.

Mechanisms of Carcinogenesis
(3 credits)
Biochemical and molecular basis of carcinogenesis induced by environmental agents, including approaches to identification of carcinogens. Role of cell proliferation and cell death (apoptosis) in cancer formation and cancer treatment. Molecular mechanisms that regulate proliferation and apoptosis.

Environmental Toxicology (3 credits)
Presents the principles of environmental toxicology, including the major classes of toxicants, environmental movement and fate, toxicokinetics, xenobiotic biotransformation, toxicodynamics, factors influencing toxicity, mechanisms of toxic action and detoxication, mutagenicity and carcinogenicity, toxicity testing and evaluation, and risk assessment.

Chemistry of Pollution (3 credits)
Chemical and physical processes determining distribution and fate of chemical hazards, detection of low levels of hazardous compounds, and environmental evaluation and prediction. Fundamental chemical concepts and measurable properties of individual compounds to interpret and relate measurements.

Sources & Fates of Pollutants (3 credits)
Presents important principles of environmental toxicology related to the introduction, transport, and fate of toxicants in aquatic and terrestrial environments including environmental chemistry and biogeochemical cycles as well as exposure pathways and uptake by organisms. Additional emphasis will be placed on the susceptibility and effects of toxicants across organ systems and effects at the ecosystem level.

Inhalation Toxicology (3 credits)
Advanced course on the toxicology of air pollutants and the response of the respiratory system to inhaled gaseous and particulate toxicants. Issues and concepts covered include biology of the respiratory system, exposure technology, experimental design and methodological issues, health effects of air pollutants, and regulatory aspects.

Drinking Water & Health (3 credits)
Principles, requirements of public water supply for protection of public health. Includes essential characteristics of water quality and sources, water treatment and distribution systems with associated health hazards; public health engineering, epidemiology, risk assessment; surveillance, regulatory needs to assure safe public water supplies.

Pesticides & Health (3 credits)
Examines health risks and benefits associated with pesticide use; reviews exposure, toxicity, epidemiology, and regulation of pesticides, focusing on populations such as workers and children; discusses benefits derived from vector control, food production, and food preservation.

Aquatic Toxicology
(3 credits)
Analyses of the sources, cycling, and impacts of toxicants in aquatic systems, including acid rain, ground water, fresh water rivers and lakes, estuaries, and the ocean. Discussions on processes at the air-water interface, within the water column, and in aquatic sediments. Emphasis is on the properties of toxic chemicals that influence their biogeochemical cycles and factors that influence their toxicity to aquatic organisms and humans.

Toxicological Risk Assesment (3 credits)
Current processes and techniques for eco-toxicological risk assesment. The course material will cover the topics of problem definition, dose response characterization, exposure characterization, risk assessment, and risk management decision making.






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Diploma: $1000 to $1400 US. Degree: $4000 to $7000


Bircham International University


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