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Iridology Courses (Various)

This Course has been viewed 6215 times.
Iridology is a preventive, diagnostic method that permits the doctors to "read" every hidden disease in the eyes, long before the appearance of the symptoms. The eyes are not only the mirror of the soul, but also of the body. It is possible, with a diagnostic "reading" of the iris (the colored part of the eye), to discover all the weak parts of the organism, the latent tendencies, the crisis of the patient, his vitality, the condition of the organs and many others pathologies in progress. Iridology is not a panacea and it cannot replace clinical diagnosis.

Iridology (3 credits)
Iridology is the examination of the iris (the colored part of the eye) in order to diagnose the patient's state of health. The iris is considered to have a distinct region associated with each part of the body. Studying the fiber structure, color and density assists detection of causative factors associated with illness and genetic weaknesses. In association with a good case history and physical examination, iridology is useful in providing information about the status of the human body and provides a basis for a treatment regime.

Holistic Iridology (3 credits)
This course will present a historic perspective on Iridology, and show the holistic model in action. It will reveal the value of Iridology in assessing hereditary weaknesses and strengths in the body and the condition of each of the six systems of detoxification by reading the "live eye". It will reveal the relationship between spiritual, mental, emotional and physical health and how this can be seen through the eyes.  It will show how to use Iridology as a tool of prevention and define what the iris does and does not reveal.
Iridology Diagnosis I (3 credits)
Techniques for interpreting iris topography and determining conditions and accumulations will be presented.  Criteria for determining constitution type and related diathesis will be covered. It will teach how to form early assessments of conditions and accumulations in the body tissues, and then how to treat these disorders from a holistic perspective. It will give a more in-depth training in reading the "live eye".

Iridology Diagnosis II
(3 credits)
This course also introduces "Sclerology" (reading the white portion of the eyes). It will explain the metabolic pigments and their relationship to the various organs, as well as discuss transversal and aberrant vessels and their reflection of tissue health. The brain centers and the related conscious and subconscious thought and emotional patterns will be introduced. Also, the interrelationship of organs, glands, thoughts and emotions that indicate a 'belief system' will be covered.

Iridology Diagnosis III (3 credits)
Advanced information on iris topography and the assessment of faulty, conscious and subconscious 'belief systems' that lead to degenerative conditions will be covered. Sclera indicators and their interpretation relative to thought, emotion and tissue health will be detailed as well. Abnormalities of the iris and pupil and heterochromias are discussed as they relate to potential pathology. Techniques for building a practice and integration into an existing healthcare practice will be addressed.






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Diploma: $1000 to $1400 US. Degree: $4000 to $7000


Bircham International University


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