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Homeopathy - A Rational Choice in Medicine

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ISBN: 978-0-9544766-1-8
Description: Printed in the UK, soft back, 68 pages
Weight: 130g
Size: 120 x 170mm


If you want to know more about homeopathy then this little book is a good place to start. It offers a clear and simple overview of homeopathic medicine and the principles which under-pin it and provides evidence to support its effectiveness and safety. More than this it places homeopathy on a level playing field with modern mainstream medicine, dispelling myths and providing a realistic perspective on the two systems of healthcare. You, the reader, are encouraged to think for yourself and not be influenced by media-driven health scares. In this way it is hoped that you will be better able to make rational, informed decisions about the best ways of becoming and staying well.

About the author 
Mo Morrish BSc, MCCH, RSHom is a practicing homeopath with over fifteen years experience. He lives, loves and works in Exeter from The Homeopathic Practice.

Since 1992 Mo has taught at the British School of Homeopathy and also recently at the sister college The Irish School of Homeopathic Medicine. He is Senior Lecturer for the colleges exploring the principles and philosophy of homeopathic medicine. He is committed to individuality, simplicity, clarity and fun. Mo is also the Supervision Coordinator for the BSH. 

A microbiologist in a previous life and a poet by nature, out of 'work' Mo enjoys good red wine and relaxing with his wife and family.

This book is a gem that should be on sale in every health clinic. As its title suggests it provides rational argument for choosing homoeopathic healthcare - taking the reader on a concise, easily digestible journey through the key concepts relating to health and disease, homoeopathy and mainstream medicine, and addresses many of the questions prospective patients have concerning ethics, fees, evidence and the placebo effect. It is also a gutsy little book that is not fearful to address some of the age-old mantras of the sceptics. And yet, unlike so many, it does so with humility; recognising the strengths and limitations of both mainstream medicine and homoeopathy, and, possibly most pertinently of society; individuals and their approach to heath and wellbeing. 

Most importantly, this book provides readers with simple, effective arguments that can empower them in the choices they have made or are yet to make. So often the rationale is lost in the midst of over-complicated reasoning and too liberal use of specific language that leaves a reader or listener confused and unconvinced. It is a rare skill to be able to simplify complex ideas and not to lose their essence and accuracy. In this book Mo manages to do this. He cuts through to the heart of the matter, providing simple truths that are powerfully persuasive. If you, as a patient or practitioner of homoeopathy have ever found yourself under direct attack for the healthcare choices you have made - read this book. It will provide you with clear, simple examples and evidence to support homoeopathy that are easy to articulate. Furthermore, if you know people who are interested in finding out more about homoeopathy give them this book to read - it provides a stimulus for allowing people to question systems of medicine and in empowering them to make their own choices based on rational argument. 

Lisa Barratt
Student Homoeopath 
British School of Homoeopathy -Year 3 

They say the best things come in small parcels and that is certainly appropriate with this gem of a book. Mo Morrish has been able to set out a clear view of homoeopathy and its place in the field of medicine. He examines the philosophy and rational behind a conventional medical approach, explains the differences between the two approaches and how they each affect our health and healing.

This is not an antagonistic or defensive book. As a scientist, Mo Morrish has respect for healthcare workers in a conventional setting. We are all aiming to support others in finding solutions for their pains and health problems - sometimes we go about this in different ways and all have their place.

As the author says -"I have no respect for cynicism, arrogance, fear-mongering, fraud, ill logic or poor science in medicine."

He urges us to work together in an integrated way so that we can best support the healing process. 

This book is helpful for Homoeopaths, to clarify their thought processes - and for people considering homoeopathic treatment, so that they can understand some of the philosophy behind our approach. It is also helpful for anyone concerned about their health who is interested in recognising the ethical issues in modern medicine and identifying scare mongering tactics - often originating from pharmaceutical companies.

Once I started reading this book, I felt compelled to finish it and found myself agreeing with almost all it said. I am happy to recommend it.

Book Review by Tessa Jordan
ANM jounral

What is most striking about this book is its simplicity. There is nothing fancy about it. It is pocket size, with a simple lime green cover which somehow invites the reader to open it and see what is inside! Once there, the chapters are beautifully laid out in bite size chunks, making it easy to dip into, or read in one sitting.

Aimed at the patient, or prospective patient, who is curious to know more about homeopathy, this little book does exactly what it says on the cover - sets out why homeopathy is (often) the rational choice in medicine. Despite its simplicity, it holds back no punches, with a chapter on mainstream medicine which highlights the lack of guiding principles, often "unscientific" approach, failure in chronic disease and alarming statistics on harmful side effects. Morrish, trained as a microbiologist, and a homeopath of 15-years standing, points out that the conventional approach is still based on the out-of-date Newtonian model of the body as a machine, with much of the study based on the dissection and examination of dead humans, with the aim to "alleviate, control and suppress symptoms" rather than understand them.

He also points out the limitations of measurement - "we cannot measure life, mind or emotion and yet this does not mean that they do not exist...we can measure many aspects of a dolphin, but we cannot measure dolphin as a whole". And yet Morrish does not dismiss the mainstream approach, clearly acknowledging the areas in which it is most helpful and calling for an integrated approach.

The underlying principles of the homeopathic medical model are clearly set out, explaining in simple terms the way homeopaths approach illness and using examples to illustrate how patients express disease in individual ways. Among other things, Morrish tackles the issues of placebo, evidence, and ethics, as well as looking at the experience of the consultation, the homeopathic process and even a mentions the vocation of the homeopath. He explains how some of the latest developments in scientific thinking, such as quantum physics and psychoneuroimmunolgy (which studies the effects of thinking and feeling on the body) are supporting homeopathic thinking.

If I have any criticism, it is that there is perhaps a little too much emphasis on the "negative and attacking" sceptics. This book succeeds in showing how science is at the heart of homeopathic medicine. It is carefully referenced with sources for further reading. It is cleverly written, simplifying the complicated and illustrating the rationality of the homeopathic way. Certainly, this little book is a must for clinic waiting rooms.

Review by Tina Burchill Editor, The Society of Homeopaths Newsletter

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