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Safetox Beauty is a non-invasive electronic beauty device that acts directly on the muscles responsible for wrinkles. Safetox Beauty reduces wrinkles by relaxing the muscles that cause the wrinkles to appear. Safetox Beauty controls the dynamics of facial muscles and produces active facelift effect. Safetox for non surgical facelift.

How does Safetox Beauty work?

Safetox Beauty has two modes of action:

  1. Safetox Beauty inhibits the muscles that cause wrinkles and close the face up. Stress, fatigue and age contribute to facial muscle tension. This tension leads to the muscles in the upper and central part of the face to scrunch and fold. Blood flow reduces and the face appears to close on itself, giving wrinkled aged appearance.
  2. Safetox Beauty activates the muscles that open the face up and lift the skin. It combats muscular tension and muscle contractures. Safetox Beauty re-educates the muscles so that the muscles responsible for lifting of the forehead and the skin become stronger and dominant, helping to improve facial appearance.

Safetox Beauty Set

Safetox is supplied with 2 x 1.5 V batteries, 1 pack of 4 reusable skin electrodes, user manual and a carry case.

CE mark and 1 year warranty.

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Contact  Win Health on 01835 864866 (or on + 44 1835 864866 for international calls).

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