When you are a new parent, raising a child may seem complicated. As your infant grows into the toddler stage, it is important for her to learn oral hygiene habits. While you might not think that your child’s primary teeth are important, if your child has cavities or gum disease at a young age, then it can affect her secondary teeth and facial bones. Use these tips to help your toddler learn more about good hygiene habits.
Set a Good Example for Your Toddler
You might not think that your toddler is paying attention to what you do, but young children are watching everything. It is easy to set a good example for your child’s oral health and hygiene by consuming a nutritious diet that includes a lot of fresh fruits or vegetables. After eating a meal, make sure to have your toddler nearby while you are brushing and flossing your teeth so that she sees how important frequent oral hygiene care is for your well-being.
Take Your Toddler on a Shopping Trip
Allow your toddler to choose her own toothpaste, dental floss and toothpaste while you are shopping. Your child might enjoy having a toothbrush in her favorite color, or she might want to choose a toothbrush that has an animal design on the handle. In addition, it is important for a toddler to like her toothpaste’s flavor. A toddler might want to use toothpaste that tastes like bananas, oranges or grapes rather than peppermint or cinnamon. If your toddler has several teeth already, then make sure that she has dental floss to remove additional food debris from her mouth.
Buy Learning Materials about Dental Care
Look for children’s books that explain dental care in a fun way so that your child can learn more about brushing and flossing. You can also find DVDs or coloring books that explain how valuable the teeth and gums are for your toddler’s health. Have these items in your home or vehicle so that your child will learn more about her primary teeth and gums.
Schedule an Appointment with a Pediatric Dentist
When you take your toddler to a dental facility, choose a pediatric dentist like Night & Day Dentalor someone similar who knows how to work with small children. At a pediatric dentist’s office, your child can have an examination while sitting in a smaller chair, and the dentist will use tinier instruments while cleaning her teeth or filling cavities.
You can make dental care fun for your child by giving her stickers to place on a poster in her bathroom. When she has enough stickers for brushing and flossing her teeth, you can give her a reward such as a trip to a local park or other location.
By Kara Masterson
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