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Regular Dental Checkups- Why are they important
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Some people do not go to the dentist as often as they should and many children and families have not seen a dentist in years. These are factors that lead to major health issues. Several people do not receive the dental care services they need due to systemic and persistent barriers that restrict their access to dental health care.

The reality is that lack of quality oral healthcare can have serious consequences that include inappropriate use of emergency services in hospitals for preventable dental issues, diabetes and cardiovascular disease as well as higher risk of respiratory disease.

Preventing Tooth Loss

The most affordable and best way to prevent tooth loss begins at home with proper brushing and flossing every day. Regular quality oral care at least twice a year is also an important step. Preventative care that consists of aspects such as fluoride treatments, exams and professional cleanings are essential for preventing tooth loss. Regular visits can also enable your dentist to identify any dental problems early on and prevent more serious and further damage.

Confidence and Self-Esteem

Your smile is a prominent feature on your face as well as an essential component of first impressions. Many people notice someone else’s smile when they meet. A health, beautiful and bright smile can have a positive effect on your self esteem. A drastic difference can be made in the way you feel and look, even with a slight change.

General Health

There is a strong link between overall health and good oral health. The condition of teeth and gums can affect virtually every part of the body, including respiratory, reproductive, digestive and circulatory systems. Good dental health can lower the risk of major health problems. Find a Rockville dentist here.

Preventing Bad Breath

A large percentage of people with halitosis or persistent bad breath have a dental issue. Good oral hygiene is necessary for preventing bad breath. Checkups and professional cleanings on a regular basis provide the best way to ensure that you maintain good oral hygiene.

Bright, White Smile

Your dentist can help to remove tea, coffee and tobacco stains. During professional cleaning, the hygienist can also polish you teeth to attain a beautiful shine for a brighter and whiter smile.

Dental Insurance

Dental insurance typically pays for most or all of the checkups and dental cleanings twice a year. You can take advantage of this benefit and save a substantial amount of money over time. You will be able to avoid expensive dental procedures that arise from poor dental care. Discount dental plans are also available to reduce the cost of procedures for people who may find it challenging to access insurance.

Treatment Plan

If your dentist identifies any problems within your mouth, they can provide a treatment plan. This should include the cost of all the procedures you require in order for you to be able to discuss the financial arrangements in a timely manner.

Maintaining Oral Health

Your dentist can detect early signs of problems. Detecting gum disease, broken fillings and cavities makes it easier to treat them. If untreated, the only available treatment options may be removal of teeth, gum surgery and root canals. 

By Karen Anthony
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


Biography: Anthony Karen is a health expert who has been running many health seminars and public discussions. She also manages her blog and reviews the health-related details provided by authentic sources.

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