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Baby food effects later ability to reproduce
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Tags: baby nutrition, baby nutrition and reproductive abilities, baby food and fertility, fertility, infant nutrition,

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Over the years what you are supposed to eat while pregnant and feed your newborn has changed dramatically. Even just from one generation to another the guidelines produced by doctors has evolved, even to the point of contradicting the previous guidelines. Today we have more research that helps us determine the effects of certain foods on the human body. A recent study performed dealt with the nutrition of pre-natal mothers and their newborns and how it affected the child's later ability to reproduce.

The study conducted by  was  published at the beginning of December and led by Dr Ian Rickar from the University of Sheffield. The study took data from church records of the births that occurred in Finland during the 18th century. They compared this data with the agricultural record and looked for correlations between the nutrition received and reproduction ability of the babies as adults in later years.

An interesting correlation was discovered. They followed the data to those that were poor and relyed heavily upon the harvest. The researchers found that the years when there was little harvest, specifically in rye and barley the poor families with babies experienced reproductive incapability later in life. The years when there was plentiful harvest the poor families babies had no problem with reproduction in later years.

The knowledge we have is truly power. Knowing that rye and barley played a role in the ability for babies to be able to reproduce is a of great importance. Information as such helps scientist formulate effective baby food and baby nutritional information to optimilize the health of the reproductive system.

If you have an infant or are going to have one nutrition is an essential element to their overall health and now we understand it influences the reproductive abilities among other functions. As you are choosing baby food and baby formula be sure to include rye and barley products to enhance the health of their reproductive systems.


By Worldwidehealth Editor
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