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Breast Cancer Treatments
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Generally breast cancer is treated by medications, surgery and Radiation therapy. In past few years there is a decline in deaths due to breast cancer as treatment techniques and screening methods have improved, and it can be diagnosed at an early stage. Treatments depends on different factors like your health, your preference and specific information of breast cancer.

Following points are considered when taking decision of breast cancer treatment:

  • The underarm area lymph nodes, axilla, is whether effected by your breast cancer?
  • How sever is your breast cancer or at what stage it is?
  • HER-2/neu, human epidermal growth factor, is present in your breast cancer cell.
  • The exact location and size of your breast cancer.

estrogen receptor/progesterone receptor or ER/PR, receptors of hormones estrogen and progesterone, status are possessed by your breast cancer.

Your health and your personal preference will be considered by your doctor as well as by your self when treatment plan is developed, for instance:

  • other serious health problems if you have any
  • Your personal history of breast cancer and your family history
  • your feeling about keeping your breast.

Most breast cancer victims go for surgery option. With breast cancer all effected lymph nodes under the arm are also removed.

By Elizabeth Adams PHD
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


Biography: Elizabeth has been associated with female health issues especially breast cancer for a long time. she has worked as a volunteer to spread awareness on this dreadful matter. she has also written countless articles on this matter that have been published both on the Internet and also in magazines.

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Breast Cancer Treatments

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