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Drink One Hundred Percent Fruit Juice to Help Boost Intake of Fruits
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Try drinking 100 percent fruit juice as a way to boost your fruit intake to the recommended daily amounts.  It is an easy way to increase intake of fruit.  Fruit juices contain valuable sources of certain vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients.  These unique compounds are only found in plants.
Researchers continue to actively study the compounds found in fruits and vegetables.  They want to find out and tell us all how these compounds help maintain good health.  In addition, fruits juices add variety to the diet and taste good at the same time.
This important role of fruit juices in our daily diets was confirmed by the 2005 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Report.  The report tells us that fruit juices provide several vitamins and minerals.  They do not provide fiber.  Fruit juices are an excellent compliment to whole fruits and vegetables and are easy to include in a lunch box or tote bag as part of a healthy eating plan.  Fruit juice will also contribute to the recommended daily fluid intake.  Some fruit juice contains nutrients such as calcium, which helps boost intake of this important nutrient.  Many orange juice brands contain calcium.

Only one hundred percent juice can count as a fruit serving.  Read the food label to be sure you get one hundred percent juice.
Nutrition recommendations in the 2005 Dietary Guidelines include:

•    Increased intake of fruits
•    Increased intake of vegetables
•    Lowfat or fat-free milk
•    Whole grains

The MyPyramid food guidance plan provides eating recommendations for people above two years of age.  
What kind of fruit counts toward the MyPyramid daily recommendations?

•    Fresh fruit
•    100 percent fruit juice
•    Canned fruit
•    Frozen fruit
•    Dried fruit

It is recommended that most fruit servings come from whole fruits; however, a portion of the daily fruit intake can be from 100 percent fruit juice.

Add a can of one hundred percent grape juice or orange juice to your child’s lunch box to help boost their intake of fruit daily.  Some children and adults even like “Prune” juice.  I am not one of those lucky few, but I do enjoy many other kinds of fruit juices.

Source:  The American Dietetic Association

Disclaimer:  These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  The information in this article is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.  All health concerns should be addressed by a qualified health care professional.   I do not sell or promote the products mentioned in this article.  The article content is offered as a resource for healthier lifestyles.  I am not affiliated with any of the companies mentioned in this article.

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© 2007 Connie Limon All Rights Reserved  

By Connie Limon
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