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Environmental Intolerance
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Environmental Intolerance (EI) is one of the hardest cases to deal with because the body is toxic and so is their mental thinking.

EI, Chronic Fatigue, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) are all the same, they are Toxic. Everything else is symptoms

The primary Problem with IE's is Toxicity In side every cell of the body. This effects their emotions, Thoughts and functions.

The more you detoxify them the worse they get, that is because the liver cannot handle the toxins in the first place and now you have made them more toxic, also the toxins are inside the cells and most kelations only work on the surrounding circulation not inside the cells.

The second Problem can be a mental instability, but will not know until you have fixed the toxins first. Patents that have a true will to get healthy will do anything you say without question, and Patents that question everything will fight you all the way.

Even when everything is fixed their mental memory can think it is a reaction, there for giving a reaction. When they see this the reaction disappears.

You have to be the dominate person in their life and remind them how bad they where when they can in the last time.

EI patients have to drink not only the 1qt. Per 50 lb. However, have to add 2 qt. If they are not willing to do that then send, them down the road you cannot help them for they will not help themselves. The reason for the water is to cause a flash flood for the toxic waste to flow out of the body, and without water in the system it will stay right where it is.

This new technique has so fare knocked out all of their symptoms and left you with minor tune-ups so you can get to the cause of the problem.

Now what caused the Toxic condition is unique to them.

Fist visit you will run the new patient periodicals and then the EI periodicals then you are finished with them until tomorrow. .

In my office I have them drink all of their water for a least 2 week and then see them so that I have a water reserve to use. If they are allergic to water, I may see them first and fix it but not much else. Here is one time that water is the most important thing they can do and the one thing that they can make you looks bad if they are not drinking it all.

It has knocked out the EI problem, and then challenge their worst reaction with in reason.

By Dr. Randall J. Frank, NMD, CTN NMD, CTN, DD, ESM
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


Biography: Dr. Randall J. Frank began studying under his father (Dr. Victor L. Frank) in 1963. In 1983 he became a Chiropractic Assistant. In 1984 he graduated from American School of X-ray with his degree in Muscular and Skeletal. In 1991 he became an E.S.M. Practitioner and in 1996 became an E.S.M. Charter Instructor. In 1995 he graduated from the Clayton School of Natural Healing receiving his Degree in Naturopathy. In 1995 He developed Natural Healing Seminars Technique. He has studied extensively in Herbology, Acupuncture, Functional Physiology, and other alternative health techniques. He has practiced in Texas, Nevada, Utah, and Iowa. He continues doing research and developing techniques specializing in Nero-communication.

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Environmental Intolerance

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