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Essential Oils for Headaches
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Tags: essential oils for headaches, get rid of headaches, lavender oil for headaches, how to get rid of your headache

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There is a wide choice of essential oils that can be effective when used correctly to alleviate or reduce headaches and in some case completely remove an awful headache or migraine.   Using essential oils are much safer than quickly turning to a fast pain relief drug.


Lavender is a popular easily accessible oil that can be rubbed neat on the temples, forehead or the back of the neck, just use a few drops and gently rub into the skin.  When purchasing any essential oil it is preferred to purchase good quality oils that do not have loads of fillers added which reduce the potency and effectiveness of the oil.


Peppermint oil is another popular essential oil that can be very successful in reducing or eliminating those with headaches, a mixture of Lavender and Peppermint in equal proportions is usually more effective.  Lavender is known to increase the effectiveness and enhance the strength of other oils when combined.


For headaches caused by catarrh or sinus infection, inhalations using combinations of Lavender, Rosemary, Eucalyptus or Peppermint will often serve quickly as a relieve to the headache and clear the congestion that is causing it.  These oils also carry antiseptic properties which will combat the nasal infection as well as giving immediate relief of the symptoms.


Some headaches can be prevented if you can trace the immediate cause, which may be fatigue, eyestrain, tension etc., if so, by making adjustments in your lifestyle can also help to reduce your headaches.


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