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Feng Shui and Horses
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Feng Shui and horses? I’ve never heard of it! I can’t even imagine a horse deciding to have his bed or his kitchen in a power position!
HA HA HA .....!

FENG SHUI is the five thousand-year-old Chinese art of placement. OK?
But it is also a science of energy control in the environment. FENG SHUI means balance between Water and Wind vibrations (Yin-Yang balance). We are part of nature as we belong to the earth and to the universe and everyone on earth reacts to the law of vibrations: humans, animals, plants and minerals. Indeed, in a different manner but all of us are vibrations, a combination of different elements vibrating in harmony (if we are in good health).

FENG SHUI contains the rules to harmonize our environment and by this way harmonizes our own vibrations.
What are horses? They are a part of nature realm and they too react to the same rules as we do. If their environment is in harmony, they will be healthy, happy and with high performances.

In ancient China, horses were very important not only to carry people but also as a sign of wealth and a decisive component in the world of warriors. The same FENG SHUI rules were used for horse stables as they were for human houses and imperial palaces.

Before describing the application of FENG SHUI for horses, let me tell you my personal experience with horses.

In my study of life and quest for happiness around the world, I lived for several years in the South of France, in a beautiful property
with a view of the Mediterranean Sea and I had two horses (from TheCamargue). The land was large and one part was their own. The stable, with double stalls was quite old but looking nice.

Several weeks after I bought the two horses LISTEL and LAILA, I noticed that something was wrong: they did not seem happy.
They were in good health but not drinking and eating normally; they were often reluctant to go to their stable.

Concerned with their well-being and as a FENG-SHUI practitioner, I decided to use my art and I looked at their stable with a FENG SHUI eye:-

The door in the middle of the North wall was facing a large opening in the
middle of the South wall, which created a permanent draft and a loss of energy

The drinking place was under the opening in the middle of the South wall.
As a result, it was a conflict of vibration between the fire vibration of
South and the water vibration (water destroys fire).

Another problem more subtle but still disturbing was also present. A deep
feeling of sadness hit me (the first time I entered the stable) followed by a
feeling of discomfort.

I gathered some information from the former owner of the property and
I learned that a sick horse had died some years ago in this very stable.

I then decided to practice a space cleaning ritual to change the morbid
vibrations of the stable.

According to the Chinese calendar, I chose an auspicious date to perform the

1) I obstructed the window on the South wall.
2) I opened two small windows on the East and West walls.
3) I moved the place of the water and fixed two water
basins on each side of the door, on the North wall (water
4) I practiced the ceremony of space cleaning.

The day after the modification their attitude changed dramatically. They
were happier with faster reactions. Their appetite was normal. The most
amazing change was on the level of their performance. They were quicker, jumping
higher and with more ease.

About FENG SHUI and horses

When creating an optimum and harmonious environment, there are several
FENG-SHUI principles to be aware of.

The first element to deal with is the correct flow of energy in the stable.

The doors and windows must be placed in the right position and the right
orientation to keep the maximum of chi in the stable.

The water basin cannot be in a South, S.W or W corner (conflict of
elements: “Water destroys Fire”).

Because horses are very sensitive to the sounds, smells and colours
around them, it is possible to increase their performance or to calm them by
the use of simple essential oils and colours. For example, using the scent of
lavender and the colour green or blue will have a calming effect. Scent of clove
along with the use of red colour will increase the energy of a high
performance horse.

My personal love for horses has allowed me to realize that they and the
animal realm are often more sensitive to the vibrations of the environment than
human beings.

By Dr. Guy Ferru
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


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