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How to Attain Your Smoking Cessation Goal
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In their heart most smokers nurture a secret desire to quit smoking one day. However, most smokers, especially those who have been addicts for years feel jittery about the idea of quitting. They become so attached to their cigarettes that they find it hard to imagine their life without them. Further, the idea of suffering from nicotine withdrawal symptoms also dissuades them from even thinking of smoking cessation. It is only when the harmful effects of smoking begin to take a toll on their health that a smoker develops the will to quit smoking. At this stage, a lot of damage may already have been done and the people may find it extremely hard to quit as they cannot stay without their cigarettes. Hence, you should begin early and remain motivated to achieve your smoking cessation goal.

Smoking is harmful - Motivate yourself to quit

Experts believe, that smokers should embark on a quit smoking plan as early as possible. This is because smoking is associated with numerous life-threatening conditions including heart diseases, various types of cancers and lung ailments. Further, smoking adversely affects the health of your family members and friends through passive smoking. Pregnant ladies who smoke are likely to suffer from miscarriages or give birth to low birth weight babies. Further, there are many other social consequences of smoking. People try to avoid the company of those who smoke. Addicts tend to smell bad and their appearance also changes since their skin and teeth are adversely affected due to the effects of harmful chemicals contained in cigarette smoke. The best way to avoid the harmful effects of smoking is to quit as early as possible.

Develop a positive mindset to quit

This world is a beautiful place and you’ll certainly not like to leave it early because of a smoking related condition. Neither is it the best way to quit this world. Wouldn’t it be better to quit smoking and spend your days in this world happy and healthy? A positive approach towards smoking cessation will help you achieve your quit smoking goals successfully.

Having the right mindset is crucial to the success of any program, including smoking cessation. Many people have successfully quit smoking without any counseling or use of any of the quit smoking medications or aids; they have achieved this solely through their strong will-power and their determination to quit. You too need to nurture a strong and sincere desire to quit. Just think of how disturbed your family gets because of your smoking habits, imagine how much happiness you’ll bring to their life with your decision to quit smoking.

Choose your quit date

Experts believe that the right approach to begin your smoking cessation program is to pre-determine a quit date. This will bring more seriousness in your efforts. Choose this date wisely. Do not begin your program on days when you experience extraordinary stress. This is likely to trigger your temptation to start smoking and de-motivate you before you can complete your smoking cessation program. You may choose special days in your life as your quit smoking date such as your birthday or that of your loved one. Alternatively, you may choose Christmas or New Year depending on your convenience. Mark this date on your calendar and inform your friends about your quit smoking date. Request them to support you in your quit smoking endeavors; with their help you can get over the withdrawal symptoms.

Make preparations to quit smoking

Success of your smoking cessation goal depends a lot on your preparation to quit smoking. Invest sometime in preparing to quit smoking. Before your quit date hide away all your ashtrays and lighters and throw away all the cigarettes that may be lying around your home or workplace. Remove everything that could be a reminder of your smoking days. Also, identify your smoking triggers. Once you are set on your smoking cessation program try to avoid people and situations that tempt you to smoke. Another good idea would to develop a hobby or to spend more time doing things that interest you. This will keep your mind away from the thoughts of smoking. Eat a balanced diet and participate in regular physical exercise to keep a positive mindset. This is essential since nicotine withdrawal symptoms make you feel irritated, anxious and depressed. In addition, you may consult a doctor to know if you should make use of smoking cessation aids to relieve you of nicotine withdrawal symptoms and help you quit successfully.

Quit smoking aids that you may use

Discussed below are some of the most popular quit smoking aids that will help relieve you of nicotine withdrawal symptoms effectively –


  • Quit smoking treatment - Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT)
  • This effective therapy aims at providing nicotine to the body externally. It helps to relieve you of withdrawal pangs so that you are able to get out of the habit of smoking. The NRTs are available in various forms including nicotine chewing gum, nicotine patches, nicotine tabs, lozenges, nicotine nasal spray and inhalators. However, since NRTs provide nicotine to your body, a risk of re-addiction is involved in this therapy.

  • Stop smoking treatment - Chantix & Zyban
  • Currently, nicotine-free quit smoking medications such as Zyban (bupropion hydrochloride) and Chantix (varenicline tartrate) are the most popular quit smoking aids. These medicines are approved by the FDA as smoking cessation drugs and are available on a prescription only. Both Chantix and Zyban imitate the effect of nicotine on your brain to stimulate the release of dopamine – a neurotransmitter that gives you the feeling of pleasure; you therefore do not experience a craving for cigarettes. In addition, Chantix prevents nicotine from acting on its receptors on the brain. This means that even if you give in to the temptation to smoke again you’ll not derive the same pleasure and therefore you’ll no longer be tempted to light up again.

By Hayden Eck
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


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