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Important Treatment for Replacing an Affected Teeth
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Teeth add a spark to our face and when for some reason it is damaged, missed or decay then we feel shamed and avoid laughing or smiling in front of others. However, dental implants in India are a very common process for teeth replacement but apart from these, there are other options too for making your smile beautiful.   The situation of replacing teeth normally happens due to tooth decay and bad oral hygiene. People also lose their teeth due to the lack of calcium. But the tooth replacement process can again place the new teeth through various methods.   Best Dentist in India has listed out some of the options for replacing or placing new teeth to make your smile attractive. Check out:   Dental Implant   Dental Implants is a surgical procedure in which the tooth roots are replaced and fused with the jawbone. Hospitals for the Top dental implants in Delhi suggested that if a single tooth is to be replaced then a dental implant is the best process but if you need to replace multiple teeth then choose the other options. However Dental implant needs surgery and it is also costly than another process, which is not possible for everyone to afford.   Also Read: 4 Common Myths of Digital Smile Designing Debunked   Fixed Bridges   As the name suggests that it fills the gap by developing a bridge between two teeth at the place of missing one. This process needs so many appointments and treatments by the dentist and thus it takes lots of time. However, after completing it looks like natural teeth. This is less cost-effective because it does not need to be a removal cleaning process like dental implants.   Resin Retained Bridge   his is a good implantation method for the missing front teeth which does not require much-chewing pressure. A Resin retained bridge is attached to both sides of the teeth. However, this is less durable and less expensive as compared to the fixed bridges.   Removal Partial Denture   The Removal partial Denture is the process which is the very less expensive available treatment for teeth replacement. This can also be repaired at the very least cost. This is beneficial for a single tooth replacement. If we talk about its cons then this can be given a feeling of uncomfortable if wear for long term.   Also Read: Straighten Your Smile With A Cosmetic Dentist   Removal Complete Denture   This process also needs so many trips to the dentist's clinic and beneficial for the replacement of multiple teeth. However, this is more aesthetic and functional but they are not so comfortable to wear for long hours.   Flipper   A flipper is the temporarily replace option which is used to restore one or more missing teeth. This is the tooth that has been fitted until the new and permanent teeth are not replaced.   Final Words   Dent Ally clinic is the best dental implant clinic in Delhi which has many experienced dentists who use advanced technology to let the patients feel comfortable. Dent Ally has the Best Dentist in Delhi. The cost of dental implants in India is different which depends on the type of treatment process. The Dental implants in Delhi are very common and thus there are many dental clinics but among all Dent Ally is the best one.

By Dr. Shashi Bhushan MDS - Prosthodontist And Crown Bridge, BDS
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


Biography: Dr. Shashi Bhushan s a renowned dental surgeon and practicing for maxillofacial prosthetic dental implants and aesthetic dentistryacross dental clinics in Delhi. Dr. Shashi Bhushan has completed his BDS and MDS from the prestigious post graduate division of prosthodontics at Peoples College of Dental Sciences Bhopal Madhya Pradesh and was also adjudged as one of the best students of his batch and the top ranker all through his years of education. He is an internationally trained implant specialist and non-invasive surgeries.

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Best Treatment for Replacing an Affected Teeth
Important Treatment for Replacing an Affected Teeth

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