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Killing Germs with the colour purple
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 Killing Germs with Violet Light


For over a century Germicidal Ultraviolet Irradiation or UVGI has been recognized as a highly effective tool against airborne and surface microbial infection. UV light systems are routinely used for disinfection in hospitals, the food industry, and in water purification. In recent years there has been a tremendous growth in the number of UV lights installed as a means to  suppress mould growth and to provide healthier indoor air quality for the occupants.


This type of light threapy is so effective because microbes have no defense against C-band ultraviolet light (UV-C) which is not present in daylight (it’s filtered out by the atmosphere). UV-C light sterilizes germs by penetrating their cell walls and scrambling the DNA inside leaving them incapable of reproduction. In the past UV light has been shown to be effective against influenza strains (including ‘bird’ flu) as well as SARS, legionella, TB, pneumonia, German measles, and many other airborne infectious diseases.


Although using ultra-violet light to kill germs is outside the normal remit of a Colour Therapist the fast vibration of the violet wavelength also has anti-bacterial qualities.  So if you want to help disinfect your hands and your home you should choose purple  lavender or Tea-tree oil soap and also create home sprays and burners using these essential oils because they resonate with the violet ray. 

It is also useful to wear protective colour purple when you go out shopping or into a public space during winter and when you have a cold or flu put a couple of drops of lavender and tea tree oil onto a tissue or handkerchief.

By Suzy Chiazzari MIAC, MIWOC
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


Biography: Author of nine books on Colour and Light Therapy and natural Living. Principal of the Iris International School of Colour Therapy.

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