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Kirlian Photography - Aura
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Kirlian Photography is back! and your 'aura'

Hum Forest Clinic is pleased to announce the arrival of the latest most practical form of kirlian photography known as GDV ANALYSIS device from Russia. This is the invention of an outstanding Russian Scientist called Konstantin Korotkov whom I met recently at a seminar in London. Konstantin has developed his fabulous diagnostic device from the basic understanding of Kirlian Photography with the help of advanced digital computer programmes
Seeing your 'aura' is always fascinating but hitherto has been confined to the realm of mysticism. We have been waiting for someone to produce equipment to view the aura and provide indications of health in practical terms.

The parametric diagram analysis has proved to me personally that GDV Analysis works. It has helped me to refine my diagnosis and get to the heart of health issues , particularly where other methods fail. Patients love it !

We believe that this mysterious field of energy is a template of the body's intricate energy
circuitry. As such it can provide vital information as to the origins of illness by helping to track problems to their source and monitoring progress.

Special features from the test include a diagrammatic assessment of the body which is easy to understand and a colour print of your aura. The aura can be seen live on screen in the form of a short video shot and can be viewed from all angles.

By David Broom
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