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Organic Silica: Now in Stock at Blue Herbs
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Tags: organic silica, natural cleansing, herbal health, alternative therapies

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Blue Herbs who are one of UK’s leading suppliers of herbal and complimentary health products now have a stock of organic silica products that help us maintain a healthy, happy lifestyle.

Pioneering research in the 1930’s really started the ball rolling in our understanding of the importance organic silica has to our health. These studies were further developed in the 1970’s where it was shown that cartilage and bone growth was aided by organic silica.

Then in the 1990’s, some pharmaceutical companies began using organic silica in dressings as a method of healing burns and wounds. Organic silica is now regarded as a great way of keeping skin and tissue healthy as well as joints, nails and hair.

Today, organic silica products such as Silicium G5 allow everyone of us to take advantage of these amazing properties. Available in both liquid and gel, Silicium G5 gives us the right amount of organic silica to keep us fit and healthy.

Gareth Lucas, Managing Director of Blue Herbs, had this to say:

“The levels of organic silica in our bodies diminish over time therefore replenishing it can help to maintain a healthy body. Being available in such an easy to use form further adds to the appeal.”

Organic silica is perfect for a multitude of applications. Anyone from the ill or infirm to sports enthusiasts can benefit from its properties either to stay healthy or act as a method of improving fitness levels.

Gareth Lucas, added:

“We are both committed and passionate about providing the best, natural products we can in the pursuit of a healthy lifestyle. Organic silica fits the bill and can be used by a multitude of people making it an excellent tool for anyone wanting to improve their health or fitness.”

By Blue Herbs Herbalist
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Organic Silica: Now in Stock at Blue Herbs

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