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Prostate cancer and homeopathy treatment.

Prostate cancer is an abnormal, uncontrolled growth of cells that results in the formation of a tumor in the prostate gland. Prostate, the walnut sized gland, is a part of the reproductive system which lies deep in the pelvis. It is located in front of the rectum and underneath the urinary bladder and surrounds the urethra, (the urine tube running from the bladder, through the prostate and the penis). It contains gland cells that produce some of the seminal fluid, which protects and nourishes sperm cells in semen and supports the ejaculatory ducts, or sperm tubes. The prostate continues to grow till a man reaches adulthood and is maintained after it reaches normal size as long as male hormones are produced.

Prostate cancer begins most often in the outer part of the prostate. It is the most common cancer in men older than age 50.In most men, the cancer grows very slowly. In fact, many men with the disease will never know they have the condition. Early prostate cancer is confined to the prostate gland itself, and the majority of patients with this type of cancer can live for years with no problems. In some cases, it may spread from the prostate to nearby lymph nodes, bones or other organs. This spread is called metastasis. Most Prostate cancers originate in the posterior prostate gland, the rest originate near the urethra. Often the disease has no symptoms until the disease is well advanced. However, as the tumor grows, it may spread from the prostate to surrounding areas like lymph nodes, bones or other organs. This may result in back pain. Men with prostate cancer may experience any of the following symptoms.

  • A need to urinate frequently, especially at night;
  • Difficulty starting urination or holding back urine;
  • Weak or interrupted flow of urine;
  • Painful or burning urination or bowel movement;
  • Difficulty in having an erection;
  • Painful ejaculation;
  • Blood in urine or semen; or
  • Frequent pain or stiffness in the lower back, hips, or upper thighs.

It is advised to consult a doctor immediately if you have experienced any of the above symptoms. Men aged 50 and above have the chances of developing prostate cancer. Those who have a family history of prostate cancer should consider screening at age 45.


Doctors may feel the prostate gland via the rectum in order to detect any abnormality. A small, hard nodule may reveal the presence of cancer.

Further tests by measuring prostate-specific antigen [PAS] levels in your bloodstream followed by an Ultra sound scan, can help to detect the disease. Preferably men older than age 40 should have an yearly Digital Rectal Examination and men older than 50 should check their PAS levels yearly.


If you are diagnosed with prostate cancer, it is important to know how far the cancer has spread. The physician stages the tumor based on its size, the character of its cells, and the extent of metastasis.

Prostate cancer can be staged as 'A,B,C,D'. Stage A and B cancers are curable. Stages C and D are treatable, but their prognoses are discouraging.

Stage A - This is the very early stage without any sysmtoms, in this stage cancer cells are confined to the prostate. It can be identified with PAS tests and Biopsy. This type of cancer is usually curable.

Stage B - In this stage, it is known that cancer is in several places within the prostate. It is detectable by PAS.

Stage C - In this stage, cancer cells can be found throughout the prostate as well as near by tissue or the bladder. This stage is determined by Digital Rectal Exam, or CT/ MRI scans, and/or Sonography. Some Stage C cancers are curable.

Stage D : At this stage, cancer has spread beyond the prostate and nearby lymph nodes, distant bones, organs such as liver, lungs and also to other tissues. This is usually determined by bone scan, Prostascint scan or other studies. Stage D cancer is not curable but treatable.


Treatment depends on individual circumstances such as the man's age and general health, extent of the cancer etc. Elderly patients with minor sysmptoms., early stage cancer, or coexisting illness may be treated conservatively.

There are many different ways to treat prostate cancer. It is advisable to get advise from two or more doctors before making a final decision about the treatment. Treatment includes Prostatectomy and Hormone Therapy or anti-antrogen drugs, Chemotherapy and Radio Therapy.

Hormone Therapy: Hormone therapy, is used either alone or in combination with surgery or radiation. It is based on the fact that prostate cancer cells frequently use the male hormone , testosterone as a Fertilizer and the absence of this hormone may lead to the death or weakening of prostate cancer cells. So It is used to stop the production of testosterone hormone and hence a person with Stage C and D cancer can have their life extended and improved by the use of hormonal therapy.

There are side effects associated with Hormone therapy. They include hot flashes, weight gain, erectile dysfunction, decrease in muscle mass and strength, personality changes, decreased mentation and osteoporosis.

Prostatectomy : Patients in good health and under age 70 is usually offered surgery as a treatment option. Various types of surgical procedures are done depending on the stage of prostate cancer and patient's over all health.

Prostatectomy is the most common treatment option for localized prostate cancer. It involves surgical removal of prostate gland and some other near by tissues and reattaching the urethra and bladder. It will prevent further spread of the cancer. If the prostate cancer is in the early stages, prostatectomy can treat the cancer completely.This is done either through a surgical incision in the lower abdomen or the space between the scrotum and rectum.

These procedures also produce side effects like impotency, Urinary incontinence, narrowing of the urethra and difficulty in urination.

Radio Therapy: It is a form of treatment which uses high levels of radiation to kill cancer cells or keep them from growing and dividing thus reducing damage to healthy cells. It is more effective for early stage prostate cancer.


Good nutrition is an important part of recovering from the side effects of radiation therapy.

Slight skin changes will be visible after radiation. Skin may become red, swollen, warm and sensitive, as if in a sunburn but it is temporary. The long term effects include, slight darkening of the skin, enlarged pores, increased or decreased sensitivity of the skin and a thickening of tissue or skin.

Chemotherapy: It is a combination of drugs which is effective to kill or slow the growth of rapidly multiplying cells. Chemotherapy is usually prescribed to men with advanced prostate cancer. Chemotherapy drugs are carefully controlled in both dosage and frequency so that cancer cells are destroyed while minimizing the risk to healthy cells. As the drugs circulate throughout the whole body, they can effect the healthy cells also.

The side effects of chemotherapy include hair loss, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, lowered blood counts, reduced ability of the blood to clot, and an increased risk of infection.


CROTALUS : cancer with haematuria.

CONIUM : On every emotion, with itching of prepuce.

SEPIA : discharge during stool.

KALI BHICH : pain during chronic prostates.

SILICEA : While straining at stool.

NITRIC ACID : Discharge after stool.

NUX VOMICA : discharge during stool.

THUJA : When the discharge is greenish and thick.

STAPHISAGRIA : prostatic discharge after sexual excesses.

SELENIUM : discharge during stool.

Homeopathy Dosage Directions

Select the remedy that most closely matches the symptoms. In conditions where self-treatment is appropriate, unless otherwise directed by a physician, a lower potency (6X, 6C, 12X, 12C, 30X, or 30C)

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Biography: Dr Harshad Raval MD [Homeopathy]

Honorary consultant homeopathy physician to his Excellency governors of Gujarat.Qualified MD consultant homeopath.International Homeopathy advisor, book writer and columnist For Gujarat Samachar, Ex-Member of nominee advisory committee (Govt. of Gujarat). Specialist in kidney, cancer, psoriasis, Leucoderma, Autism, dyslexia, C. P child, Falling of Hair, Rheumatoid arthritis, impotency, infertility and other chronic diseases.

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