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Potassium Health Benefits
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Potassium is a mineral that's needed to keep our body's pH in balance. It's also essential for maintaining the body's normal fluid balance. And, without proper potassium levels, healthy muscle growth, and a healthy nervous system and brain function are not possible. It's also a key element in the process of converting blood sugar to glycogen. Most of our body's potassium is found in our cells, but a small percentage is found in the blood. Potassium can be found in a variety of foods; fresh fruits and vegetables, bananas, oranges and potatoes are very high in potassium; nuts, fish, milk and dry beans are also good sources of potassium.

That being said. How many of us actually eat a well balanced diet, with proper pyramid meals and healthy snacks? We have good intentions, but the reality is our lifestyles dictate that we often eat on the run. It's easier to stop at the closest fast food restaurant and pick up something that's not particularly healthy. That big cheeseburger and fries isn't going to provide much potassium; fat yes, potassium no. Supplements are very important with many of our vitamin and mineral needs, potassium is no exception. A natural herb supplement will ensure proper potassium levels even when we fall short of eating that proper diet we know we should be eating.

Potassium has several jobs. It helps control the amount of water in the cells of our body, assists in regulating our heartbeat, helps control our blood pressure, and is critical to our muscle function. What causes low potassium levels? Certain medications, such as blood pressure medication or diuretics can cause a decrease in potassium levels, as well as diabetes, chronic diarrhea, chronic respiratory failure, anorexia nervosa, alcoholism and extended vomiting, to name a few.

When a potassium deficiency does occur, the symptoms are rather unpleasant. They can range from weakness, fatigue and drowsiness to cramping, pins and needles, nausea and anxiety. It can also lead to an irregular heartbeat. Frequently, a person who is not getting enough potassium will often be unusually thirsty. Potassium is secreted into the urine, so the chances of consuming too much are very small unless the person has kidney disease. There is no official established RDA for potassium, but the recommendation is for 2000 to 3000 mg per day.

Potassium supplements come with a caution that they cause nausea and irritation to the stomach. It's recommended that they be taken with food. Trust a 100% organic blend that's all-natural and absorbable. One that's so safe, pregnant and lactating women can take it with confidence. Look for ingredients that you can pronounce, such as the herbs white oak bark, red raspberry leaves, parsley, alfalfa, goldenseal, elderberry, and chamomile. Ingredients that are pure and non-toxic. You can trust nature.

By Suzanne VanDeGrift
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


Biography: Suzanne VanDeGrift has developed this article, on behalf of Dherbs.com. Dherbs offers specially formulated potassium supplements to help maintain the body's proper pH balance.

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