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Rhinoplasty: How a Nose Job Can Improve Your Breathing and Sleep
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Rhinoplasty, or nose job surgery, is a procedure performed to correct or improve the appearance of the nose. It is often combined with other procedures, such as a septoplasty, to correct breathing problems related to a deviated septum. Reconstruction of the nasal framework also can improve nasal airflow when there is structural collapse.

Nose job specialists accomplish this by reshaping or removing bone and cartilage from beneath the skin covering the nose. In some cases, cartilage grafts are added to help straighten, strengthen or rebuild the nasal framework. This cartilage is usually obtained from the nasal septum.

The areas that are prone to collapse during inspiration include the mid-portion of the bridge and the nostril side walls. With modern techniques of open rhinoplasty used by top rhinoplasty surgeons, these areas can be strengthened to prevent or correct nasal obstruction. This is akin to the Breathe Rite TM strips that are available over the counter.

There are many reasons that patients snore. Nasal collapse is often a contributing factor. By optimizing nasal airflow and relieving nasal obstruction with nasal surgery, snoring can be dramatically reduced, and in some cases, alleviated. As a result, the patient's quality of sleep often improves. Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a serious medical condition that can predispose patients to other health problems such as heart disease and high blood pressure. Snoring is one of the major signs and symptoms of OSA. Reconstructive rhinoplasty has been shown to improve or cure some of these problems.

Finding a qualified rhinoplasty specialist is essential for obtaining the best rhinoplasty results. Your doctor should be Board Certified in either Plastic Surgery or Otolaryngology (ENT). It is important to remember that not all plastic surgeons have the skill and knowledge for correcting nasal breathing problems. Similarly, not all ENT surgeons possess the cosmetic skills to provide an attractive appearing nose. Thus, it is essential to find an expert rhinoplasty surgeon who is skilled in both functional and aesthetic aspects of rhinoplasty. This will decrease the chances that revision rhinoplasty would be necessary.

By Dr. C. Spencer Cochran Board Certified, American Board of Otolaryngology
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


Biography: Dr. C. Spencer Cochran, a rhinoplasty (nose job) expert, is one of the top rhinoplasty surgeons in the country.

Dr. Cochran is one of only a few surgeons across the country who focuses exclusively on primary and secondary (revision) rhinoplasty.

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Rhinoplasty: How a Nose Job Can Improve Your Breathing and Sleep

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