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Signs your Child Needs a Pediatric Dentist
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If your child has started to shed his baby teeth, it is the right time to visit an orthodontist. Milk teeth start falling off and make way for the permanent teeth. However, there are many risky factors during this period. His permanent teeth may show while his milk teeth are still in place. His new teeth might not be in the same line. He might be facing difficulty in chewing food.

Regular brushing and flossing is not enough for him during this stage. He needs a specialized care of a dentist and there are many signs that will indicate that he needs an orthodontist. We have listed them for you.

Signs your child needs to visit an orthodontist

1.       Suffering from pre-matured or delayed loss of baby teeth: This can hamper his jaw bones and gums in future. It might also lead to critical operation stage. So, it’s better to consult the dentist now.

2.      If your child breathes through his mouth: He will breathe through his mouth only when he has issues closing his mouth or feel discomfort in doing so. Better consult the dentist.

3.      If he feels difficulty in chewing or biting: This may be an indication that his teeth are disturbing him. He might be suffering from loose teeth or double teeth. If ignored, it will affect his overall health as it will lead to indigestion and malnutrition.

4.      Protruding tooth: Protruding teeth are not at all good looking. If not set at this stage, this will lead him to conscious appearance in future. He will not be confident enough in opening his mouth in front of others.

5.      If his upper and lower jaw does not meet in a line: Now this is a serious issue and needs a cosmetic surgeon to set the jaws. Otherwise, it is going to affect his look in future. You need to consult the orthodontist immediately.

6.      Broken tooth: Broken tooth cause a lot of pain and cuts in the gum. If ignored, they may cause ulcers on the inside of the cheek areas and the gums. Besides, he will have problem in chewing his food.

7.      If he grinds or clinches his teeth: Grinding or clinching teeth is a sign of defective teeth functioning. He might be having sensitivity and needs an immediate cure.

8.      If he has the habit of biting his cheek: This may be an indication that his teeth are sensitive.

9.      If his milk teeth are decayed: If the milk teeth are decayed, it will spread the cavity to the permanent teeth too when they come up. This is going to be a problem for him for his entire life. Therefore, it is important to visit the orthodontist at the earliest.

10.   If his permanent tooth comes out while milk tooth is in its place: If his milk tooth is still there it will not give proper space to the new permanent tooth to grow. The new tooth will grow in different directions and hurt either the tongue or the lips. This will affect his look also in future. Therefore the milk tooth needs to be taken off as soon as possible for making a proper way for the new permanent tooth. Without any delay, head to the clinic of an orthodontist and get treatment.

These are some signs that will draw you into Perimeter Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodonticsfor oral care services for kids. You must also go there for regular checkups so that you can prevent a condition from occurring.

By Ravi
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