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Snoring is the enemy of Health
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Modern science believes that snoring is a symp-
tom of serious diseases. According to the doctors that it
can cause heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes.
Snoring also indicates towards respiratory problem.

According to a research, around 25 percent males
and 9 percent females less than 40 years of age are suf-
fering from this problem and this figure is higher in India.

Not only adults but children also are habituated to snor-
ing. But the reasons for snoring in children are different.
It is mainly due to tonsils as the respiratory pipe is blocked
behind the tongue. Obesity is also one of the reasons for
snoring among children and adults.

Blockage of respiratory pipe is also one of the main
reasons for snoring. It is caused when fat gets accumu-
lated in throat due to overweight. The muscles shrink.
Snoring can also be due to throat infection. Snoring is
caused when breathe gets blocked in narrow respiratory
pipes. Weak throat and jaw related problems are some
of the other reasons.

Respiration can be blocked in throat or nose. The nose
problem can be overcome with nose strip. It opens blocked
nose, which overcomes snoring. If snoring is due to throat
problem then consult the doctor for treatment. Many other
serious problems can be caused if this prevails for long

Respiration is blocked completely in sleep in case of
sleep apnea. This disturbs the sleep. If this persists for
more than ten seconds then it should be taken seriously.
Many times it happens when we sleep during daytime,
which remains unknown.

Harmfull Efffects:

  • Ignoring snoring problem could lead to several dangerous diseases because the body does not get sufficient quantity of oxygen due to snoring. There is extra pressure on the body and also affects the metabolism. It affects the surface of arteries and leads to high blood pressure , heart diseases, diabetes and other problems like strokes.
  • Loud snoring is a very dangerous because the chances of heart attack increases when compared to those who do normal snoring.
  • Those who do normal snoring do not have the risk of heart disease. It is said that snoring stops in men after 70 years of age.
  • Snoring has negative effect on sexual life as well. Snoring indicates poor sleep pattern and those who do not sleep properly do not enjoy sex.

Yog practice

  • Yog can cure this problem completely. Practice Bhastrika pranayam to overcome nose related problem.
  • Practice Kapalbhati pranayam also.
  • Nadishodhan pranayam and Ujjayi pranayam should also be practiced.
  • Practice Ujjayi pranayam regularly for five minutes.
  • Sitkari pranayam should also be done.
  • Dwichakrikasana, Padvrittasana, Ardhahalsana should be practiced regularly in order to reduce weight. These asanas remove unwanted fat and overcome the disease.
  • Pour a few drops of mustard oil in nose. This cleans the nose and does not get blocked and maintains heart beat rate.
  • Yognidra should be practiced for 30 minutes. This relaxes the body and helps in enjoying sound sleep.
  • The food consumed should be free of kapha and fat. This will help in maintaining weight.
  • Practice the above mentioned Yogasana under the supervision of a qualified Yog teacher only.

According to a research, around 25 percent males and 9 percent
females less than 40 years of age are suffering from this problem
and this figure is higher in India.

By Bruce Kelvin
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


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