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Stress Reduction a ten point plan to a laid back life!
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  1. Get a good night's sleep. When you don't, you produce extra stress hormones.
  2. Have fun and laugh every day. Laughter decreases stress hormones and increases infection fighting antibodies.
  3. Throw away the cigarettes, keep your alcohol intake low, and eat as healthily as you can afford to.
  4. Exercise regularly – it produces chemicals in the brain that make you feel good.
  5. Relax every day. That's actual relaxation - not ironing in front of the TV. Take a leisurely bath, get a massage, meditate, and switch off.
  6. If the kids interfere, encourage them to join you. There are some great relaxation tapes aimed at kids, which you can use as well.
  7. Keep your attitude positive. See the time you are stuck in traffic as an opportunity to review that important presentation one more time.
  8. Make lists; identify urgent jobs and break overwhelming tasks up into several smaller items. Find the best way of working for you; do you feel calmer if you get short or boring jobs out of the way first, or if you concentrate on the most important?
  9. Make an action plan. List things that stress you, and decide what you would do about them in an ideal world.
    Think: is that practical? If yes, write down the first step you can take. If no, write down the best of the possible alternatives.
    Say your job is your number one problem. Giving up work altogether might be your "ideal world" answer. You could always buy a lottery ticket, but looking for a new job would be more practical. Your first step might be to contact a careers advisor or look at retraining.
  10. Follow your action plan!

By Debbie Waller BA (Hons). GQHP. GHR Reg. R Hyp. PNLP.
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.

Debbie Waller BA (Hons). GQHP. GHR Reg. R Hyp. PNLP.


Biography: My name is Debbie Waller. I have 15 years experience as a voluntary advisor/counsellor for a local charity, and was awarded a First Class degree from Leeds Metropolitan University as a 'mature student' before becoming qualified as a Hypnotherapist.
My initial training as a Hypnotherapist was with Wakefield School of Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy. All hypnotherapists are required to undertake continuing professional development (CPD) training throughout their career to update and improve their skills, so I've also attended a wide variety of courses run by other schools and practitioners.

I have a particular interest in the area of stress management as I believe it's an element of dealing with any problem that people come to see me about.

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Stress Reduction – a ten point plan to a laid back life!

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