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Stressed Over Murdoch Madness
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Tags: Rupert murdoch, phone tapping, murdoch scandal, news of the world, news corporation, stress management

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Living in a world where technology evolves into more complex forms by the second is an incredible accomplishment.  Yet at the same time it can generate manipulation, corruption, and invasion of privacy, given we are all too aware of computer hacking, cyber bullying, and identity theft.  There has been a vast range of personalities behind such misdeeds so it is no surprise that our personal cell phones can be tampered with by Rupert Murdoch’s News of The World, a  Moghul Empire of the Media.


The Murdoch Scandal has crossed many levels of debauchery, and the outlook on journalism and media it leaves is repugnant and distrustful.

What does this mean for the victims’ families, the media, and the rest of us?  For those who lie at the suffering end, no apology, nor any amount of compensation can ever mend the emotional pain endured.  The media, once deemed trustworthy, will now come under greater scrutiny. The assumed wall of credibility between journalists and the general public has been severely damaged, leaving us to be the investigators and the formulators of our own truths.

We can either live in the distress created by the scandal or we can  take comfort in the fact that the scandal has been unearthed and in plain view—so diminishing the chances of such practices continuing.

Some may say such practices will in fact continue.  At Beyond Body Mind Spirit, we say, that’s up to us…each and every one of us.  We can choose to do nothing, or maybe moan and groan, or take action to create a change.  Giving yourself a choice enables you to decide how  to respond to such events and how you feel. And that’s the good news in this otherwise sad story.

Not convinced that there exists a glimmer of hope in view of all the commotion?  Then come join us.  Beyond Body Mind Spirit is an expert at helping individuals manage stress and the challenges  in life.

If the Murdoch Scandal has created any worry, fear, or anguish for you, we have the tools to restore your sense of calm and well-being and make it an enduring change in your life.

“Enjoy Healthy”
Michele Risa
Beyond Body Mind Spirit NYC

By Michele Risa MA
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


Biography: Michele Risa is a Health Consultant with a BA from New York University and a MA from Columbia University. She is certified as a Kundalini Yoga teacher by the Kundalini Research Institute and certified in Therapeutic and Hatha Yoga by Satsang Yoga Center. Risa has certifications in Breathwalk Conflict Resolution Divorce Mediation and Yoga for Children and has completed courses in Vipassana and 16 years of White Tantric Yoga with Yogi Bhajan.
Since 1989 she founded Beyond Body Mind Spirit (www.BeyondBodyMindSpirit.com) which offers her four main areas of expertise - weight-loss anti-aging stress management and yoga using non-traditional approaches. Risa has produced her own yoga TV show since 1998 has been a frequent radio guest and has co-authored a book “Conscious Entrepreneurs: A Radical New Approach to Purpose Passion and Profits” Winner of the National “Best Books 2008″ Awards.
She has lectured at corporations such as Boeing Viacom and Forbes and produced a 6 month program at NYSE where she reduced stress and lowered health care costs. Although the majority of Risa’s clients are in NYC she has conducted seminars as far west as California and as far east as Russia.
Her motto for healthy living is “When you find your personal formula for self love through body mind and spirit you create the life you want.”

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