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Symptoms of Various Drugs Abuse
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Not all the drugs possess potential risks when abused for the first time. The impact of drugs on the brain of the abused makes the addicted more craving for frequent and high doses of the drug. It is then that the abused starts experiencing potentially harmful side effects of the drug.

Drug abuse triggers some behavioral and physical changes in the abused. These symptoms can help us to detect the drug abuse in early phase, thus eradicating the potential harms of long-term drug abuse. Though abuse of distinct drugs has some common signs like mood swings, decreased interaction with family members and friends, etc. There are some unique symptoms of each drug.

Marijuana abuse:-
General symptoms of marijuana abuse include distorted perceptions of time and colors, feeling stoned or impaired from the surroundings, vivid sights and sounds, dried mouth and eyes, increased hunger and thirst, increased laughing, decreased motor abilities, lowered coordination skills, and clumsiness.

Heroin abuse:-
Initial symptoms of heroin abuse include warm flushing of the skin, dry mouth, and heavy extremities accompanied with nausea, vomiting and severe itching. The abused retain in drowsy state for long hours. Other possible symptoms are cramps, diarrhoea, fever, tremors.

Barbiturates abuse:-
Barbiturates abuse has almost same symptoms as alcohol abuse. Abuse in small amounts results in drowsy, disinhibited and intoxicated behavior of the abused. Higher dosage symptoms of the barbiturates abuse include staggering, slurred speech, and confused mental state.

Methamphetamine abuse:-
The Meth abused is often found with irritability, aggressive behavior, anxiety, extreme nervousness, insomnia, confusion, tremors, convulsions, incessant talking, hypothermia, and paranoia. Other possible symptoms of methamphetamine abuse include pupil dilation, tooth grinding, dry or itchy skin, excess sweating, formication, etc.

It is recommended to confirm the drug abuse as soon as the symptoms are found in a person by conducting the respective drug tests. Keeping some drug testing kits handy at home, or organizations, or schools is important to conduct drug tests at any instance. Finding the drug abuse in the early stages and taking right measures in time protects the abused from harmful side effects.

By Drugteststrips
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