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Tantric Massage
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Pink Tantric massage is a process that includes knowledge, expression, and integration between one's mind and body. The spiritual connection with one's sexuality takes you to the next level of consciousness. Table Pranayama (breath channeling) and Oscillatory Release (rhythmic myofascial movement) authenticates true Tantric massage. 

A Tantric massage is often the first step in learning to be a sexual being without going into trance. Spatial awareness is acquired by listening and trusting in your body. Core movement permits the flow of energy throughout the whole system. You want to truly feel yourself as you are being touched and initiated, to be in the present moment, vibrant and alive. 

Tantric massage is for those on a journey, seekers of truth and inward bound pleasures. A healthy overt sense of well-being will activate your vibrational orgasmic energy flow. Tantric initiation gives you Chakra health and longevity, and the mastery for transformation. 

Healing sexual energy has to do with making a physical connection from the big head to the little head, or in other words, feeling and releasing the vibrational flow from above and below. Remember, a healthy mind lives in a healthy body. 

Yogic control and Tantric surrendering creates a visceral and physical ecstasy defined by it's organic intercourse with consciousness. Core movement combined with local circulatory (cellular) breathing helps the body tingle and move like a slinky up and down (vibrational healing). 

Tantric massage is about exploring and experiencing through touch and dialog. Tantric play is about channeling and staying fully present in your sexual energy field while awakening sensual awareness and movement.

By Larry Melameerson Tantric Master
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


Biography: I have worked with a diverse clientele throughout the United States, bringing over 34 years of experience in teaching exercise, 30 years in Eastern and Western bodywork and massage, and 17 years in process body-centered therapy to you. My ability to blend structural bodywork with energy work is unique. Kundalini mastery is a powerful skill that I pass on to you. Over the years, I have eclectically integrated the best healing modalities into my newest work called, "Pink Tantra;" a process of awakening the Chakras, and proliferating health and vitality.

I have been a Kundalini practitioner since 1976, initiated in West Hollywood at the Buddha Tree. In New York City, I began my study and practice of Hatha yoga in 1978, as the direct student of Swami Bua Ji Maharaj M.H.Y. former director, Department of Yoga Health, Government of India, who is still alive and over 100 years old. I moved to Minnesota in 1990, where I joined the staff of The Marsh in Minnetonka teaching yoga classes and giving massage treatments. Since the early 90's, my practice has evolved from giving structurally based medical spa treatments to therapeutic Kundalini Tantric sessions.

1972 Sacred Healing (Siddhayoga) with Dr. William Wood in Chicago; 1973 Certified in The Kounovsky Physical Fitness Method (New York City): Rena, Inc., North Michigan Avenue, Chicago; Alex and Walter Physical Fitness Studio, Beverly Hills, California; Robert Carreiro Physical Fitness, Inc., West Hollywood, California; 1977 became a Colt model, photographed by Jim French and studied Sacred Tantra (Lingam Worship) with other Colt models and Mart Crowley (The Boys in the Band) in West Hollywood; 1980 Published The Cellulite-free Body, New York: Putnam & Sons, Forward by Calvin Klein; 1986 AMTA Professional Member & Graduate of The Chicago School of Massage Therapy and Shiatsu; Post graduate work at The Florida Institute of Natural Health; 1989 passed with high honors with a Florida State Massage License; 1991 Graduate of The Chinese National Chi Kung Institute; 1992 Integral Yoga Meditation Residential Teacher Training Program; NCTMB Certification 1994; 1995 Counseling for Bodyworkers with Bruce Burger MA, RPP at Heartwood Institute in Garberville, CA; Certified in Rebirthing and Transformational Breathing by Transformations Inc. The School of Spiritual Psychology in Milwaukee, WI ( Jim Morningstar, Ph.D., ABPP ); 1996 Hakomi of Minnesota/Hakomi Integrative Somatics Training; 1997 City of St. Louis Park Massage Therapist License-500; 2001 Hawaiian Lomi Lomi Training on the Big Island; 2007 Orthopedic Assessment Skills by Whitney Lowe, Omeri Institute; and, a current member of the Himalayan Institute.

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