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The Colon Cleansing Diet What It Is And How To Use It
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Of the major types of colon cleansing, the colon cleansing diet is the most simple and, in the long term, probably the most effective.  Once you learn what the optimum colon cleansing diet is - what you should and shouldn't eat -  you have the basic tools you need to safely and effectively colon cleanse anytime you want.

Most people who chose to follow the colon cleansing diet, do it for a period of 7 to 30 days.  Other people, myself included, naturally eat a colon cleansing diet and maintain high levels of health and fitness. The longer you can follow the diet the better.  

There are 3 major aspects to the colon cleansing diet.

First and foremost is to get rid of all foods that make it harder for the colon to do its elimination work.  These foods include:  processed meat, most seafoods, pasteurized dairy products, processed oil, most flour products including breads, and pastas, refined sugar, sodas, alcohol, caffeine and all processed foods with artificial flavorings or other chemicals.    The principle here is to lighten the load on the digestive system by removing the foods that slow it down.

Second, it's important to add foods that are high in dietary fiber.  Fiber is an indigestible substance that comes only from plants.  It passes through the acids of the stomach and reaches the intestine and colon where it has a sweeping broom-like effect.  In cultures with a high daily fiber intake, digestive difficulties and colon diseases such as colon cancer and irritable bowel syndrome are unheard of.    Good sources of dietary fiber include flax seeds, pears, berries, some beans and peas.    While on the optimum colon cleansing diet, a person should eat 35-50 grams of dietary fiber per day.

The third aspect the colon cleansing diet is to eat lots of fresh, raw fruits and vegetables.  Raw fruits and vegetables have enzymes in them which promote digestion.  They also contain higher amounts of fiber than their cooked counterparts.  A person who is in relatively good health should consume between 60% and 100% raw fruits and vegetables while following the optimum colon cleansing diet.  

One final dietary change that can greatly improve colon cleansing results is to include some fermented foods like miso, sauerkraut and yogurt during the colon cleansing diet.   These foods contain positive bacteria which live in the colon and help protect us from disease.

If you choose to colon cleanse using the colon cleansing diet, keep in mind that results come slower than with an herbal colon cleanser.  But, they do tend to be longer lasting.  That's because following the optimum colon cleansing diet will help you to make important healthy dietary changes.  The key is to be  disciplined because progress on this type of cleanse can be stopped easily by eating any foods that make digestion more difficult.

By Mark Ament
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


Biography: Mark Ament is an expert on colon cleansing and raw foods nutrition. He is the author of
“Homemade Colon Cleansing Made Easy” and 3 other books on natural health.

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