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The Dangers of Getting Cosmetic Surgery Overseas
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When there’s a topic revolving around bargains, the majority of the time they seem like a good idea. However, when it involves risk to health you have to question whether it’s worth the discount if it has a potential to harm. Cosmetic surgery overseas is one procedure that can be conducted abroad without a normally hefty price. Especially in today’s society where the pressure to get the ideal look is becoming more apparent, the option to go under the needle to look better for cheaper may be taken. If so, it may be worth looking into it before getting yourself on the surgery table.




There are several considerations to be made when going overseas before deciding whether you wish to go abroad for a cosmetic procedure. Although no surgery could be classed as 100% risk-free, if there’s any way that patients can be kept as safe as possible they should be taken. You have to be wary of the health standards that are considered. As the procedure will be cheaper, there must be questions raised about the safety that the surgeons have for patients when conducting the surgery. On top of this, as you’ll be travelling abroad it’s most likely that you’ll be there for only a period of time before you have to fly back. If there are any issues that you have after the surgery, it’s unlikely the same doctor will be available to consult about the problems or concerns you have.The standards of work may be completely different to the ones you have in your home country.


Travel Costs/Issues


As mentioned in the previous paragraph, with travelling abroad the doctor who performed the surgery may only be available for a set period of time. If it was a case that there were any issues after the operation, being able to consult the doctor would mean having to travel back to the country it was performed. If there are any concerns which require immediate attention, you’re most likely needing the earliest available time to travel. This could mean a higher price compared to booking travel plans in advance and may even appear more than what it might have been if the surgery had taken place in your home country. If it’s possible that travel plans have been made though, there’s always the risk to health after the surgery has been performed. For example, blood clots to the veins.


Language Barriers


Being in a different country means there’s most likely to be a language barrier between the patient and the doctor. Certain types of cosmetic surgery may appear different in different countries, like requesting a mummy makeover for example. Although this may be a common term in the cosmetic surgery industry, it’s less likely to be heard of in other countries, causing a miscommunication. This can also stretch to generic questions you may have about the surgery which may not be understood by the medical staff. This could cause some very expensive or detrimental implications from a financial and appearance point of view.


It’s always better to be safe and than sorry. If you feel the surgery is worth the price, just make sure the relevant questions have assured answers. Otherwise, surgery closer to home may be the better option.

By Alice Porter
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


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The Dangers of Getting Cosmetic Surgery Overseas

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