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The Importance of Fluoridated Bottled Drinking Water
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Because it is extremely important to stay well hydrated all year long, carrying bottled drinking water with you or having bottled water delivered to your home or office can be of great benefit to you, your family, and your colleagues. You may have noticed that your favorite bottled drinking water also has added fluoride, or that your local community water utility offers fluoridated water. Your dentist may have spoken to you about the benefits of fluoride for preventing cavities as well. Drinking fluoridated water maybe a good way to increase your fluoride intake while you go about your daily routine.

Making Sure You Get Just Enough Fluoride

According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), "community water fluoridation is safe and effective in preventing tooth decay (1)." However, not everyone drinks tap water on a regular basis, and not every local community currently provides fluoridated water for its residents. Plus, many people have found that they prefer bottled drinking water to stay properly hydrated because they prefer its taste and purity. Therefore, it maybe important for someone choosing bottled drinking water to be aware of brands that state that they have added fluoride.

There are many fluoridated water products that are available on the market and that can be either bought in a store or delivered to your home or office. According to the International Bottled Water Association (IBWA), "there are over 20 companies that produce fluoridated brands of bottled water currently available to consumers today (2)." The IBWA adds that many of these brands of bottled drinking water with added fluoride are easily and readily available at major chain and department stores across the United States (3).

Consumers should always consult with their dentist before changing their fluoride intake in any way, whether by adding bottled drinking water with added fluoride to their diet or by adding fluoride supplements to their dental care routine. And it is important to remember that a good, balanced dental care routine goes beyond fluoride intake and also includes brushing and flossing every day, eating a wide range of healthy foods, and visiting a dentist regularly.

Staying Hydrated at Home and On the Go

Whether you choose to drink fluoridated water from the tap or bottled drinking water with added fluoride, proper hydration is also important in order to stay healthy. There are many ways that you can increase your water intake without interrupting your daily routine.

  • Carry bottled drinking water in single serve sizes with you wherever you go. If your dentist approves of the practice, add a bottle of fluoridated drinking water on occasion.
  • When you are at work, make sure that you always have water at your desk. You can either keep a bottle of water with you at all times, or you can make sure that your personal cup or mug is always full of water from the water cooler. Every time you walk by the water cooler, fill up your cup so that you are sure to stay hydrated.
  • Sign up for water delivery service for your home (which can include fluoridated water). Keep the area near your water cooler stocked with cups and glasses to make it easy to get a drink at any time of day or night.
  • Instead of having a soda with a meal, you can choose to drink plain water to stay properly hydrated.
  • Remember that other liquids, including soups and juices, also count toward your daily water intake. Keep track of these as well.
  • If you do not like the taste of plain bottled drinking water, try adding lime, lemon, or cucumber to your water for a natural burst of flavor. In addition, many companies offer powders or liquids to add other flavors to your water to make it more enjoyable.
Be vigilant about watching for the signs of dehydration, which can be as minor as a feeling of thirst and as significant as muscle spasms, vomiting, and difficulty breathing. As soon as you feel thirsty, make sure you have a drink of water to ensure that you are staying properly hydrated. Also make sure that children and elderly people around you are drinking enough water, as they are more likely to become dehydrated.


Keeping bottled drinking water with you at all times maybe a great way to make sure that you stay properly hydrated and healthy throughout the year. Adding fluoridated water to your diet may keep your teeth healthy as well, but remember to check with your dentist or dental care professional first. If you have approval, you can add bottles of fluoridated water to your water delivery service or choose single-serve bottles of fluoridated water when you are on the go. But always make sure that you are drinking adequate water to fight dehydration every day.

By Joseph Silva
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.


Biography: Joseph Silva is the Director of Marketing for DS Waters, a bottled water manufacturer and distributor.

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The Importance of Fluoridated Bottled Drinking Water

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