What is the role of hormones on sexuality? Our hormones affect our mood, but also our desire, our pleasure and our sexuality in general.
Here are 12 facts and non fact!
1) A woman, like a man needs testosterone to feel sexual desire:
True - Testosterone is essential for the occurrence of female desire. It is however considered the male hormone. Because it grows hair in men ... and women too. This is why at puberty; hair grows on their pubic area and under their armpits. And the hormone of desire they are also very useful!
2) The reading erotic sexual practice, the sight of an erotic scene tend to raise testosterone, and thus to increase sexual desire:
True- The inner fantasy life, fantasy erotic, naughty thoughts have a physical action and not just psychological: they stimulate the production of testosterone in men as in women, and thus participate in maintaining sexual desire.
3) A hormonal problem may prevent a man who really desire to have an erection:
Wrong - A hormonal problem can really prevent a man to have erections, even if he feels desire. Two cases are detected by the doctor: the lack of testosterone, which prevents the erection and the increase of prolactin, a hormone that also block erection.
4) A woman feels more sexual desire, just before ovulation and the day prior because of her hormones at the time of the cycle:
True - The days of greatest desire in women are those that precede ovulation. That's normal, what are the days of greatest fertility. There are currently peaks hormone estrogens, which may explain this desire found.
5) A woman who has just given birth recently experienced less desire because of the rise of the hormone prolactin:
True - Prolactin is a hormone that occurs immediately after childbirth, to trigger lacto genesis. It is a hormone 'prococooning' and anti desire. It is normal and natural for a woman feel very little desire in the months following the birth of his child.
6) The hormone that causes the orgasm is oxytocin, the same as that originally contractions of childbirth:
True - Oxytocin is a hormone that when it reaches the blood, is active only about three minutes. She triggers contractions of childbirth and it also triggers the mechanics of orgasm in men as in women! It is a versatile hormone!
7) A man always has more desire than a woman because it produces more testosterone:
Wrong - Men have more testosterone than women. This has no relation with the intensity of desire. Indeed, the female body is much more sensitive to testosterone than a man. He needed so much less to feel a desire so powerful!
8) Sometimes a man has too much prolactin in the blood: it has so much more then sexual desire:
True - Sometimes, due to a benign tumor, prolactin may rise abnormally in a man. It will have erection problems often associated with a decrease in sexual desire. And it must be cured!
9) All hormonal abnormalities may affect sexuality (diabetes, thyroid problems, adrenal ...):
True - All diseases that disrupt hormones can affect sexuality. Indeed, most hormones interact with each other. When the balance is broken, it often sounds about sexuality.
10) At menopause, when women often have vaginal dryness is due to a decrease in estrogen and not a decrease in sexual desire:
True - At the time of menopause, women experience a rapid decline of the hormone estrogen. This explains the vaginal dryness that can occur. This situation is not related to a decrease in desire, but the decrease of estrogen.
11) Men have never andropause does not exist:
Wrong. -Andropause is for humans, although all men do not suffer. This is a decrease of the hormone testosterone which can cause fatigue, drowsiness, lack of energy and decreased sexual desire.
12) In women, the pill against acne has a particularly positive effect on the lack of sexual desire:
Wrong - The pill against acne with an anti-testosterone is very effective. The problem is that it often leads to significant decreases in sexual desire.
By adrianna smith
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