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Worry - Breaking the Number 1 National Habit
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Tags: Relaxation and depression, health and happiness, free of disease, stress management

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Everybody worries. It is practically a national pastime – the #1 habit of stress. The whole world worries about peace and health. Worry is common for human beings. Imagine if we could put a dollar value on the energy that is spent everyday in the world by people worrying. For sure, it would be more than the U.S. defense, agriculture, and health budgets combined.

Nobody likes to worry, but we often feel it is impossible to give up. But, is worrying right? Do we really need to worry?

If the majority of people in the world worry, does it mean that worrying is the right thing to do? Why do we worry . . . and why shouldn’t we? For the most part, we think that by worrying we can achieve something or solve a problem. But worrying does not solve anything; it doesn’t achieve any practical solution and it only raises our levels of stress.

We worry about many things. The future, money, life, relationships, kids, lovers, a nice place to live, overcoming depression, a good job, world peace, good health and more. Everybody worries about achieving these things. If you don’t worry, you aren’t like the majority of people around you, you might not even be perceived as normal. In our society, it is a common form of stress management to take medication, smoke cigarettes, drink or use drugs—all in the hopes of coping with stress and worry.

Why do we worry? We worry when we don’t know what is going to happen and we feel that we have no control over life. We focus our energy and try to solve problems by thinking, but our thinking seldom results in solutions. We focus, we think, we feel bad, we panic and we feel we have no way out. Often our worry leads us into more depression. And regardless of how much we worry, it is often quite pointless because whatever happens is usually completely different than what we have anticipated. So just incase you didn’t already know, worrying is a complete waste of energy – a waste of life.

Through proper relaxation training, we can learn how to not worry. We can learn how to relax and surrender ourselves to positive energy. We don’t have to “do anything” but rather, just “be.” Soon we learn that worry doesn’t stem from outside factors, but rather comes from inside ourselves.

Committing to relaxation training with skilled experts helps us to realize that there is a reason for everything, a cause and a remedy for everything. Every situation has a solution and we just have to find it. While we are searching we feel good and not so helpless, so we just keep on searching and we don’t give up. The more knowledge we have, the more peace we have. We see possibilities, so we have a future.

If you want to solve your worry as well as the problem that you are worried about, you need to learn about new possibilities to life and new creative opportunities. Because if there is always another new possibility, another chance, another solution, another challenge, there is no opportunity for worry. Then there is a lot of positive energy and purpose for living.

The more you worry the less energy you can receive. The less energy you receive the more you will worry. The less you worry, the more energy you can receive. And the more energy you receive, the less you can worry. Kind of confusing? Not to worry! Ha ha ha… If we just start spending more time in a state of natural relaxation and looking for qualities such as peace, health and happiness, worry and stress simply fall by the wayside. That is when we see things in a whole different perspective.

By Jimmy Allen
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have the author name and all the links intact.

Jimmy Allen


Biography: Jimmy Allen is the director of the iRelaxNow relaxation programs. For over 25 years, he has helped thousands of children and adults improve the quality of their health, happiness and peace.

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