Well, in spite of what we hear there are millions of us who would not want to go that way - but what is the alternative? Well, anyone who has met Eva Fraser knows the answer - facial exercising. Eva is living proof that her methods do work. Eva Fraser - born 1928 - has inspired people all over the world to achieve a feeling of well being and confidence through her facial exercises and philosophy of life. When Eva opened her facial Fitness centre in London 14 years ago she viewed her work as an alternative keep fit regime for both men and women - but for the face. Just 10 - 15 minutes of exercising each day.
A chance meeting with Madame Hoffman in Germany, led to Eva Fraser, then fifty years of age, to discover and develop her Facial Fitness technique. Madame Hoffman had devised a method of exercising the facial muscles with the help of a doctor friend in the 1930's. After much persuasion she gave Eva one lesson and then went on to train her for a year in London. The only person to be granted this privilege. Since then Eva, born 1928, has gone on to develop her own Facial Fitness programme and has been an expert on muscle physiology for over 20 years. During the past 14 yrs, Eva has brought her methods in to the public domain. Through her best selling books, translated in to eight languages, she has won recognition around the world and is approved by dermatologists, and the medical profession in general.
Muscles of the face can be re-trained like any other muscles to become firmer and strong again. To see the inevitable drooping of your facial contour is no fun, but with a little effort this gradual deterioration need not be. All muscles and that includes the muscles of the face need to be worked in a structured way or they slacken - it's as simple as that. When Eva opened her facial Fitness centre in London 14 years ago she viewed her work as an alternative keep fit regime for both men and women - but for the face. Look at the amazing improvement we see in toned up bodies. Well you can do the same for the face and at any age - even 20 years of age is not too soon to start. With the Eva Fraser method you will improve the structure of your face and dramatically take years off your appearance.
Ageing is not merely a skin problem. The skin is attached to the facial muscles, consequently when the muscles droop and sag, the skin attached comes down with them. So what can we do? The only Answer is to work these muscles in a structured way by following Eva Fraser's method, for an amazing natural face lift. Look at the muscle chart for a moment. There are about sixty muscles in the face, all of these muscles are just sitting there getting longer and longer, until everything ends up in the neck area. The muscles coloured in pink - these are your upper cheek muscles. As they weaken and lengthen, the cheeks become flatter, nose to mouth lines appear, then go into folds at the mouth corners and drop in to jowls. As we age, eyelid muscles droop and go in to folds. All this is not as depressing as it seems, because help is at hand! When you work on these muscles, the cheeks become plumper again, the nose to mouth lines lessen, or even disappear. So the good news is that it is possible to work all the muscle groups of the face for a younger, fitter appearance.
It is very important to do this programme in the order as set out for you in both the books and on the videos. By working on the basic programme first you will gradually strengthen the muscles to enable you to go onto the more advanced section. Your muscles will be too weak in the beginning to start at the advanced level. It is important that you read all instructions carefully before you start your facial fitness exercises. The video packages contain a video, book and audio cassette; these can be used together or separately depending on your lifestyle and facilities. Start by watching the video for approximately 10 minutes, then go to your mirror with audio tape and book, then practice. When you are ready, continue with the next phase of the video.
ALSO NOW AVAILABLE IN NEW DVD FORMATE. Facial Fitness Basic to Intermediate DVD Course 1 Eva Fraser presents a sequence of exercises, skin care and facial maintenance routines for this basic to intermediate level. The DVD length is 70 minutes and an all zone version. £18.95 Facial Fitness Advanced DVD Course 2 This is your second level giving you your lifetime's programme. Eva Fraser guides you through the advanced exercises and ongoing facial care programme. The DVD is 60 minutes long and an all zone version. £18.95
These details were last updated on: 31 October 2006
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