Dear Worldwidehealth,
I have a dear friend (man, 49 years old) who has larynx cancer that was surgically removed on March this year and now a new tumor developed under his right ear 1.5 month ago (2-5 cm), was operated again, the tumor couldn't be extracted and now is treated with chemotherapy and radiotherapy for 8 weeks (he is in the fourth week). He feels awful, he caught a severe virosis (influenza), he has infection in his mouth, he barely can eat liquid food, he is on antibiotics now since 4 days, administered intravenous.
We heard about the good effects of mistletoe -Isorel (Vysorel) on cancer treatment and we would like to use it. We purchased Isorel A, but we do not know how to administer it and we do not know any doctor who can provide us with guidance. We read about the following administration protocol used by Prof. Dr. Karl Horst Poehlmann:( :
ISOREL/VYSOREL 60 can be given either s.c, i.m or as an intravenous drip in 250ml of 0.9% saline. As we are mainly dealing with advanced forms, the intravenous drip was used as a rule. We generally used the following scheme of Infusion
Therapy: 1st week: Monday (2) Wednesday (4) Friday (6)
2nd week: Monday (8) Wednesday (10) Friday (12)
3rd week: Monday (14) Wednesday (16) Friday (18)
4th week: Monday (20) Wednesday (18) Friday (16)
5th week: Monday (14) Wednesday (12) Friday (10)
6th week: Monday (8) Wednesday (6) Friday (4)
The quantity of Isorel administered in 6 weeks is 198 vials, which seems to be much. We considered to be much because we also read about the subcutaneous administration of Isorel recommended by Novipharm to be as follows:
Monday (2) Wednesday (3) Friday (4)
Monday (4) Wednesday (3) Friday (2)
Is there a difference between administering the Isorel intravenous and by injection? Can you tell us if the dosage with 198 vials in 6 weeks is suitable for the particular situation of my friend and for how long should he take the Isorel?
Thank you very much in advance,