ABCC Association of British Correspondence CollegesAction against Medical AccidentsAdoption UKAlcoholics Anonymous History: Dick B.'s Early A.A. MaterialsAlliance of Registered HomeopathsAlternative Medicine and Resource Complementary Health DirectoryAlzheimer ScotlandAmerican Massage Therapy AssociationAmerican Massage Therapy AssociationAmerican Polarity Therapy AssociationArt of Embracing Life Inc.Association of Disabled ProfessionalsAssociation of ReflexologistsAssociation of Surgeons of GB & IrelandAustralian Kinesiology AssociationAustralian Kinesiology AssociationThe Arthrogryposis Group (TAG)The Association For Meridian Energy Therapies AMT
BackCareBACPBILDBritish Acupuncture CouncilBritish Chiropody & Podiatry AssociationBritish Medical Laser AssociationBritish Society of Medical & Dental Hypnosis
Clinical and Therapeutic Hypnosis AssociationCollege Of Traditional Chinese Medicine Association of British Columbia (CTMCA)Complementary Healing AssociationComplementary Therapies AssociationContact a FamilyCraniosacral Therapy Association of North America (CSTA/NA)
Dental Practitioners' Association
Foundation for the Study of Infant Death
General Hypnotherapy RegisterThe Guild of Psychotherapists
Homeopathic Medical AssociationThe Herb Society
IBS RegisterInfertility Network UKInternational Association for Regression Research and Therapies, Inc.International Federation of Professional Aromatherapists (IFPA)International Massage AssociationInternational Wheel of ColourIRCH - International Register of Consultant Herbalists and Homeopaths Irish Association For Counselling and Psychotherapy (IACP)ITECThe Institute of Professional Colon Hydrotherapy
Limbless Association
Multiple Sclerosis Society Medicare Supplement Insurance
NAHA National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and BodyworkNational Council of PsychotherapistsNational Federation of Spiritual Healers (NFSH)National Society for EpilepsyThe National Council for Hypnotherapy
Prostate Help Association
The Quest Institute
Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH)The Reiki Association
Sanitary Medical Disposal Services AssociationScoliosis Association (UK)Scottish Association for Mental HealthScottish Disability SportSociety for Social MedicineSociety of Clinical PsychiatristsSports Massage Association Steps Charity WorldwideSteroid Aid Group
Texas Association of Massage TherapistsThermo-Auricular AssociationThermo-Auricular Therapy AssociationTraditional Chinese Medicine Association of British Columbia (TCMABC)Tuberous Sclerosis Association
UK Council for Psychotherapy
Vegetarians and Vegans Northern Ireland Information GroupVitamin Health Association