It is very difficult to comment without testing you however from what you have said I would consider: * if you are feeling ill in the mornings you could be dehydrated. Make sure you are drinking at least 2 litres of plain still water each day AWAY from meals. It will take a while to get into your cells and initially you may pee for England....imagine a dry plant that you water, all the water drips down the sides and doesnt absorb until the plant gets moister. * a detox of your system - go to a kinesiologist to test which is best for you * You may also have some food sensitivities - again a Kinesiologist can help with this. Both these latter 2 items could help with larger tummy. * I never discourage anyone from visiting their Doctor and if you are really worried about your liver I would actually urge you to see a GP. At least if they say nothing is wrong you can try other natural remedies. Good luck