FAO: Bio-Energy Therapist
I'm currently finishing up in my job as IT Project Manager (was made redundant).
I've experienced different alternative therapies over the years for different ailments and have a huge interest in it.
The past few weeks I've been thinking about a career change and taking a course in one of the alternative therapies and Bio-Energy
is the one that seems to be coming up for me. I'm fascinated by the whole thing about "Energy" and everything I read is very interesting.
I was just wondering if you wouldn't mind outlining for me what its like being a Bio-Energy therapist? What type of mind set does one need to have?
Do you ever get fed up listening to people's storys/ailments? Are you ever nervous with clients and if so how do you handle it?
If you have a client thats a bit sceptical about the whole thing, how do you deal with this kind of situation?
What advise would you give to someone starting off? Do you ever get tired of it i.e. is giving a session draining on your own energy and body and if so
how do you deal with this? How many clients would you see per day?
I had some Bio-Energy a long time ago but I cant remember if it helped me or not.
If I was to take this career path, I want to be sure I'm going to be good at it.
These are some of the questions that are in my mind at the moment.
I would really appreciate your answers if you have the time.
Thanks in advance.
Kind Regards,
Miriam Lynch