Homeopathic remedies can help with your ovarian cysts. Please try and see a homeopath (see below for information on how to find a good homeopath. ) In th e meantime just to give you a little taste of homeoapthy which is a completely natural form of medicine, I will try and explain a little bit about it all. Your Homeopath during your homeopathic consultation looks at and tries to understand you as a whole person i.e. all you in all your different, moods, states, reactions, likes dislikes - and of course your history. So you might be asked : how your cysts affect you and your life? What your actual symptoms are? and how you experience them? - What was happening in your life when you first had the symptoms? What medication are or were you taking including the pill? - how would you change your life if you could ? or what would you change the past? what is your greatest fear? ...................................... and more ! All these questions ............but you will find that your answers come cery easily and naturally and it is very healing or cathartic to sit and talk. You may also find that you suddenly really understand yourself and get some insight into why you have this problem. And how you react to it. This is all very personal but never judgemental so you can be free to say whatever you like and you will feel reassured by the fact that your homeopath is so willing to listen to your story. My thoughts are that it may be an inherited problem, i.e. something you are susceptible to but then something traumatic happened and this problem started or you took some medication and then the symptoms came on. Regardless of the origin of your problem homeopathy can help you in some way. I have treated with success, polycystic ovaries, ovarian cysts, pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis, infertility and many other "womens" problems - this is possible with homeopathy because the presription is specific for you with your symptoms. Remedies come from the animal plant or mineral kingdom and are specially prepared. I always say to my new patients that they need to come for three consulations to get the benefit of homeopathy and to have their symptoms monitored. I wish you luck with finding a local homeopath and wish it was easy for me to make a simple prescription for you . But as you can understand, I hope, there is a lot of information that is needed to make a good prescription for you. |