The standard Medical Tests that your GP or Doctor does DO NOT show what is really going on with your Thyroid Gland.
80% of Women and 20% of Men are Hypothyroid, that is have low Thyroid Function and this is not detected by the tests your doctor does, nor does your doctor actuall know how to diagnose this, which is utter pathetic.
Note that Alcohol, all grains, sugar and coffee will severely impair your Thryoid Function, as will the Candida yeast infection which you will immediately need to address (see a Kinergetics Kinesioloigist for this at: ).
You will actually need to request "alternative" tests to be done, which will NOT be covered generally by any Health Care scheme.
In fact, the best way to test if your Thyroid is out of balance, is to take your temperature every morning before you get out of bed. If it is a degree or two lower than average, then you have something going on.
Here are the "alternative" tests to request: