Tinnitus can be caused by a number of factors, including otosclerosis, labrinthytis, middle ear infection, obstruction due to excess cerumen, decreased blood flow to the vertebral artery, viral infection or some theorize a decrease in the neurotransmitter serotonin since it suppresses sensitivity to light and sound. The treatment will depend on the cause, but I've seen fish oils help due to their ability to decrease inflammation and gingko biloba has helped in one case. Most cases that I've seen have had a post-viral cause and responded well to natural anti-virals
Denise Clark, ND
It is important to consider that it is not normally the symptom that needs treating but the underlying root cause i.e. the trigger. As you may appreciate physical symptoms are connected on a psychological level and vice-versa. I have worked with clients with severe tinnitus symptoms and seen great results using Bioenergy Healing.
Bioenergy Healing is a non-invasive, hands-on/off technique that is used to access your body’s energy circuitry system, to enhance dramatically your own body's ability to repair and function.
The dynamic and unique Bioenergy Healing techniques utilise the eyes and hands to scan and manipulate your body’s electrical circuitry system. This can have a fundamental affect in bringing order to your body’s cells in respect of your physical symptoms, while on a psychological and emotional level can transform your perception of your world by way of re-wiring your brain.
For more details visit www.bioenergyhealing.org.uk.
Michael Cohen